Tip 212 ”at heart” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第212弾は、”at heart” です。


“You know Mr. Suzuki is such a strict boss! So tough, so mean.”




“Well, he could calm down, yes.
But actually, he thinks about his staff.”



“Yes, but he really cares about his staff at heart.”


※”at heart” 「心の中では」「根は」「本心は」


Hi everyone! Welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series and

today's idiom is at heart.

Great idiom, it's short, it's easy to use,
and it has the word heart in it.

OK, so let's find out what this is
but first, our review test.

OK, so imagine your company has a new computer system and I ask you:

How's the new computer system?
Is it difficult to use?

And you say...
In 5 seconds, go.

Time's up!

And the answer:
At first glance, it looks complicated but it's really not.

OK, I hope you got that.

Alright, let's go on to today's idiom at heart.

Now here's what I sometimes hear.
Let's imagine I have a really strict boss

and I complain to Taro, my colleague,
I say: You know Mr. Suzuki is such a strict boss! So tough, so mean.

And Taro says:

Well, he could calm down, yes.
But actually, he thinks about his staff.

OK. So, outside, you know, he's really tough and mean.
But inside he's a nice guy he cares about everyone.

OK, that's what Taro wants to say.

But...you know, it's it's not so clear when he says it like this:

but actually he thinks about his staff.

So, a very natural way to say this is like this, so I say:

Mr. Suzuki is such a strict boss!
He's so tough.

And Taro says:
Yes, but he really cares about his staff at heart.

Very natural, OK? This is great
because "at heart," you know comes at the end.

It usually comes at the end.
So you could make your statement or give your opinion and add "at heart" at the end.

He's a really nice guy at heart.

Okay? Inside.
Not outside, but inside.

OK, "at heart." Great idiom.
Let's look at pronunciation.

So it's
Yes, -- with a pause --

but he really cares about
hi'staff at heart

OK, and you could use
the gesture "at heart."

OK, put your hand on your heart like this.
So yes but he really cares about his staff

at heart.

OK, you try...

Good. OK, with my sentence:

You know, Mr. Suzuki is such a strict boss!
So tough!

Well, maybe you're right.
Yeah, maybe he is a nice guy

OK, perfect. For homework,
next time I will say:

Mr. Suzuki is such a strict boss!
And you say...

Yes, but he really cares about his staff at heart.

OK, please remember this and we will see
you next time. Thank you.


