Tip 217 ”out of line” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第217弾は、”out of line” です。



“This project is silly. It’s stupid.”





“you are unprofessional.”


“Hika, you’re out of line.”


“Sorry, I was out of line yesterday.”


Hello, everyone. Welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series and

today's idiom is:
out of line.

Three simple words. What does this mean?
We will find out

but first let's do our review test.

OK, so last time I said, you know, use your

OK, so what can you do at will?
Just like... like that.

OK, give me your answer. Go.

Time's up.

Did you come up with some good answer?
Remember in my last video i said my

daughter can cry at will or
stop crying at will;

or that interpreter can switch from Japanese to English at will.

OK, I hope you came up with a good answer.
Let's go on to today's idiom:

out of line.

OK, here's what I sometimes hear:

So, let's imagine that Taro and I, you know,
we're having a project meeting.

Okay? And I make
an inappropriate, unprofessional comment

like this...

Of course I would never do this, you know,
in real life but let's imagine

in this project meeting I say:
This project is silly. It's stupid

OK, and Taro gets a little bit angry
and he says: Hika,

you are unprofessional.

This is OK, but you know, whenever you
use a negative word like "unprofessional"

and "you" together, it's really direct.
You are unprofessional.

It's like Taro is judging my whole

Not just my behavior, but my character.
So, I feel really bad.

Okay? So, Taro really wants to say
he could, you know,

let's stay within these borders.

Okay? Stay inside here. Don't go out.

OK, to say this, you could say it like this

So if i say"
This project is silly.

Taro can say:
Hika, you're out of line.

So this means like here's the border...
now you can say this, you can say this,

but don't pass this line -- this border, the

OK, "you're out of line"

and could say "you're a bit out of line."
That's a bit too much

or "you're way out of line" is OK, too.

OK, so stay within the line.
You're out of line.

OK, it's better than "you're unprofessional"

OK, let's look at pronunciation it's
you're outof... outof line.

You're out of line.
You try...

Good. OK, with my sentence:
This project is silly.

OK, I'm sorry. You're right, you're right.

I was out of line.
OK, perfect.

OK, so for homework, I want you to use
your creativity again.

OK, so tell me about a time that
you were out of line at work.

OK, we've all done it before. You know,
where we kind of broke the rule.

You know, we went a little bit too far.
We were out of line.

Share that experience, put it in the
comment box, prepare your answer

when we do the review test next time.

Alright, so thank you for watching and we'll see you next time. Thank you.


