Tip 225 ”I’ve had it up to here.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第225は、”I’ve had it up to here.” です。



“Taro,Yoshi canceled the meeting again. This is the third time he cancelled our meeting! ”





“I cannot forgive him.”



“I’ve had it up to here.”



Hey, everyone! Welcome to this Bizmates words

and phrases video series and today's

phrase is
I've had it up to here.

OK, it's a bit of a long one. What does this mean?

We'll find out but first let's do our test.

OK, so when do you feel like you just

want to vegetate...

be a vegetable?

Okay, so you got five seconds to tell me

an answer. Go!

All right, time's up.

I hope you came up with a good example.

You know, you want to vegetate or do nothing,

when you're really really tired maybe after a long day's...

you know, a long day at work.

You just want to go home and vegetate.


OK, let's go on to today's phrase

I've had it up to here.

OK, here's what I sometimes hear:

So let's imagine that I'm talking to Taro,

my project member, and I say:

Taro,Yoshi canceled the meeting again.

This is the third time he cancelled our meeting!

And Taro is getting angry and he says:

I cannot forgive him

I guess that's okay.

You know, Taro's patience has run out.

Now Taro has lost his patience and he's angry.

But this sentence "I cannot forgive him"

it just sounds so unnatural. It sounds like

like something Arnold Schwarzenegger

would say in one of his movies as a robot --

"I cannot forgive him."

You know, it's just... it's just not natural. Okay?

So we don't want to use that

instead we could say something like this -- so I say:

Taro, Yoshi cancelled the meeting again.

The third time!
And Taro says:

(Grunting) I've had it up to here.

I'm going to complain to Human Resources.

Very natural!

I've had it up to here.

You know my patience level is here...

I could endure, you know, this much canceling,

but he's exceeded that.

I've had it up to here.

I can't take it anymore.

Okay? Very natural phrase.

I've had it up to here.
Let's look at pronunciation, it's...

I've haditu'to...
I've haditu'to here.

You see the "P" isn't really...

It's not I've had it up to here
but it's

I've haditu'to here.
I've haditu'to... u'to... u'to...

OK, you try.
I've had it up to here.

Good, okay.
You can use your hand

I've had it up to here.

OK, with my sentence:
Yoshi canceled the meeting again.

Me too. I've had it up to here.

Perfect. OK, so for homework

I want you to tell me a time when you felt like

I've had it up to here.

Okay, tell me a situation where you felt like that.

Put it in the comments box or

tell me about it next time you see me.

Okay and we'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


