”End of the Year 2016” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases
本日は、”End of the Year 2016″ 特別編です!!




Hey everyone. We're at the end of 2016

and we are in the middle of our Bonenkai.

Cheers Justin. I don't know if you know,

but in Japan during the Bonenkai,

you know we all kind of look back at the year

and you know talk about all the things we want to forget.

All the bad things that happened in the year. Yeah. I see.

You know, Hika. I have heard of that, but I think for this video,

maybe we should talk about our happiest memories of 2016.

That might be a little bit better. What do you think?

Actually, that's a great idea. All right.

Let's do it. OK well, Justin. What is your happiest moment in 2016?

That's a tough question, but I have to say, without a doubt,

my happiest memory of 2016 was joining bizmates.

And it's been I think nine months since my first day and it's been an incredible ride.

And I've had the opportunity to connect with all you viewers out there.

I made some great friends here Bizmates.

Hika included and I couldn't have asked for a happier 2016.

So that is my happiest memory. So how about you, Hika?

That's a great answer. And I must say Justin,

it's been a pleasure having you join our team.

Thank you so much for everything you've done.

Yes. For me? My happiest moment? To be honest, I can't really just say one,

but I've got many happy moments and one of them is certainly Justin joining.

And over the last year, we've seen so many great people join our team.

Justin, of course, being one of the superstars,

but there's so many other superstars that have also joined our team.

And I want to quickly introduce them to you. There in the back here.

Say hi everyone.


So thank you all for watching and we hope to see you again next year.

Happy New Year!


