Tip 234 ”In the mood” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第234弾は、”In the mood” です。


“Taro, let’s go for ramen for lunch.I want to eat ramen.”


“Hika, my feeling is not ramen now.”


“I’m not in the mood for ramen.”


“I’m in the mood for shopping.”(買い物に行きたい気分なんだ。)
“I’m in the mood to study English.”(英語の勉強がしたい気分なんだ。)



Hey, everyone! Welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series

and today's idiom is "In the mood".

Are you in a good mood?

Are you in a bad mood? OK what kind of mood are you in?

Alright let's find out what this means but first let's do our review test.

So my question is: In what situation did you need time to adjust?

Like to a new environment.

Okay? Think of your situation and give me an answer. You have five seconds.

Good answer. OK, so I hope you came up with an answer like

"well, when I first started... when I started University I..."

And here's what I sometimes hear:

So let's imagine, I'm inviting my colleague, Taro to lunch

and I say: Taro, let's go for ramen for lunch.I want to eat ramen.

And Taro says: Hika, my feeling is not ramen now.

My feeling is not ramen now...

OK, you don't feel like eating ramen now.

OK, I understand. OK, so I can understand the meaning

but it is a little bit strange to say "my feeling is not ramen."

Okay? So what's a more natural way to say this?

Well you could say this

So I say:Hey, let's go for ramen for lunch.

And Taro says:I'm not in the mood for ramen.

Very natural! OK, I just don't feel like eating ramen.

This is a great idiom. OK

you can use for food, but you can use it for anything.

Like for example: Today's a holiday,what do you want to do today?

And you could say:Well, I'm in the mood for shopping,

I'm in the mood for a movie or i'm in the mood to watch a movie.

I'm in the mood to play tennis.

I'm in the mood to study English.

OK, just like that.

Alright? Something you want to do; you feel like doing --

in the mood.

Let's look at pronunciation, it's...

I'm notin... I'm notin...

I'm notin the moo(d) for ramen.

I'm not in the mood for ramen.

You try...


With my sentence:

Hey, let's go for ramen for lunch.

OK, well what are you in the mood for?

OK, perfect. Alright, so for homework

next time I will say:

Hey, let's go for ramen for lunch.

And you say...

I'm not in the mood for ramen.

Okay? Very natural. Please remember this and we will see you next time.

Thank you.


