“Let bygones be bygones”の意味と使い方 Bizmatesビジネス英会話 Tip 244

Let bygones be bygones ってどういう意味?

Let bygones be bygones は 日本語で言う「過去のことは水に流そう」という意味です。ケンカした過去のことを忘れ、仲直りしようとする際に使われます。


Let bygones be bygones ってどういう場面で使うの?


You: I’m going out for lunch with Sato-san. Do you want to come, Hika?
Hika: No. If Sato-san’s coming, I’m not going.
You: Hika, that was months ago. Let bygones be bygones. Just come.
Hika: OK…

You: これからサトウさんとランチに行きますけど、ヒカさんも一緒に来ませんか?
Hika: いえ、サトウさんが来るのでしたら、私はパスします。
You: ヒカさん、あれはもう何ヶ月も前のことでしょう。過去のことは水に流して、来てくださいよ。
Hika: そうですね・・・


Let bygones be bygones の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方をBizmatesのプレゼンター Hikaが解説します。


Hey everyone welcome to this Bizmates Words
and Phrases video series and today's idiom

is "let bygones be bygones."

So what's a bygone?

Well it's not a word we use in daily conversation.

Bygone is actually old English, however this
idiom let bygones be bygones is pretty common

in a specific situation which I will explain
today, okay but bygone just means like the

past, something that happened in the past
so "let the past be the past" but what does

it really mean?

We'll find out.

OK here's what I sometimes hear, so let's
imagine that I'm talking to my friend Taro

and we're going to have lunch with some of
our other colleagues and one of our colleagues

is Sato-san and I don't like Sato-san.

I had a big fight with Sato-san six months
ago, okay and I say: Well, Taro I'm not going

to lunch.

I'm not going if Sato-san is going.

So I'm kind of pouting, okay?

I'm like, I don't want to go if Sato-san is
going and Taro says: Hika forget about the


It's six months... it was six months ago,
who cares?

Which is okay.

Forget about the past but what Taro really
wants to say is "forget about the past and

become friends."

In this situation, we use this idiom "let
bygones be bygones."

Forget about the past what happened in the
past and become friends again.


Like this, so I say: You know what Taro, I'm
not going to lunch if Sato-san is going.

I'm not going and he says: Hika, Hika, let
bygones be bygones.

That was six months ago, forget about it.

Very natural it means forget about the past
and become friends with Sato-san again.


Used very commonly in this situation.

OK let's look at pronunciation it's simple
it's let bygones be bygones.

You try.

Good okay with my sentence: I'm not going
if Sato-san is going.

OK, OK, alright I I'll talk to Sato-san.


OK so for homework, you know if someone says
something like this, there pouting and they

say hey I'm not going if Sato-san is going
you just say... there you go let bygones be


Okay please remember this and we'll see you next time. Thank you.


