“Come and go as you please”の意味と使い方 Bizmatesビジネス英会話 Tip 245

Come and go as you please ってどういう意味?

Come and go as you please は 日本語で言う「出入り自由です」という意味です。パーティーやセミナーなどのイベントにおいて、お客さんが好きなタイミングで来て、好きなタイミングで帰ることができることを説明する時にこの表現を使います。

末尾の “As you please” は、「お好きなように」という意味です。


Come and go as you please ってどういう場面で使うの?


Hika: It’s my first time to this event. Do I need to stay until the end?
You: No, you don’t. You can come and go as you please.

Hika: このイベントに行くのは初めてなのですが、最後までいなければいけませんか?
You: いえ、出入り自由ですよ。


Come and go as you please の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方をBizmatesのプレゼンター Hikaが解説します。


Hey everyone! Welcome to this Bizmates

Words and Phrases video series and

today's idiom is "come and go as you please."

It's a nice natural phrase, a little bit

longer than our usual words and phrases

but that's okay

very natural, okay? So let's find out what

this means. So let's imagine that my

colleague, Taro is inviting me to an

event. He says "Hika, why don't you come to

this event in in Tokyo?" And it's my first

time to attend this kind of event, so I'm a

little bit nervous, so I don't know if I

can just stay for ten minutes and leave

or I have to stay for the whole

time. You know, is it casual?

So I asked Taro, I say: Well, Taro, do I have to stay

for the whole event -- the whole two hours?

And he says: No, you can go out and

return, well, anytime. It's very casual.

OK, I can understand his sentence.

You can go out, you know make a phone call,

smoke a cigarette, come back... whatever.

You, know you can go out and return. But a more

natural way to say this is like this... so

I say: Taro, do I have to stay for the

whole event? And he says:

Come and go as you please.

Very natural! Come -- you know, come to the

event -- or just go leave the event

whenever you want -- as you please. Come and

go as you please. Very natural. OK let's

look at pronunciation, come and go as you please.

OK, let's try this. Come and go as you

please. you try.

Perfect. One more time

with my question: Do I have to stay for

the whole event?

OK, I could just come and go as I please.

Great. OK, perfect! I actually heard this

phrase used just the other day.

Justin, Kyota and I,

the three of us, we attended an event in

Roppongi and it was my first time to

attend. So I asked Justin I said "Justin,

do I have to stay for the whole time?" And

he said "no, come and go as you please, Hika."

OK, so I hope you have a chance to

use this as well, okay? So for homework

next time someone says "hey, do I have to

stay for the whole event?" Don't say this...

You can say this... "come and go as you

please." OK, please remember this and

we'll see you next time. Thank you.


