Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 152 ”take off”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第152弾は、”take off” です。


“Taro, have you heard of e-cigarettes?”


“Yes, they are a boom.”


“Yes, they’re beginning to take off.”



※take off⇒(商品が)急に売れ出す・(景気が)上昇し始める・(計画などが)うまくいき始める。


Hello, everyone. Welcome to this Bizmates
for beginners video series

and today's idiom is
take off.

Take off. What does this mean?
We will find out but first let's do our test.

OK, so i say "Hey, Taro."
And you say...

That's right.
Did you feel the tremor yesterday?

Earthquake sounds a little bit big and I
might be surprised, but a tremor is just

a little, you know, a small earthquake.

I hope you got that. OK, let's go on to
today's idiom: "take off."

You know, like an airplane.
An airplane takes off?

OK, it's the same meaning.

OK, like this, but here's what I
sometimes hear.

Oh, have you heard of like e-cigarettes?
You know, I think a couple of majors

tobacco companies have released these
new e-cigarettes

where there's smoke but no ash; no fire.

They're very, very popular now in Japan.
OK, so i asked Taro. I say:

Taro, have you heard of e-cigarettes?

They're very popular. I see them everywhere.
And Taro says:

Yes, they are a boom.

OK, now this sentence is okay.
They are a boom.

But you know in Japan,
you use this word a lot

boom. Everything is a boom... a boom.
OK, so in English we sometimes say the economy is

booming, or the finance industry
is booming.

But you know we don't use it that often in English.
In Japanese you use it a lot.

Boom, boom, boom. OK, so another way to say
a product is growing in popularity,

you could say this. So I say:
Hey, Taro. Have you heard of e-cigarettes?

And Taro says:

Yes, they're beginning to take off.

Very natural. They're beginning to...

Grow in popularity; in sales.
They're beginning to take off.

OK, let's practice pronunciation. So it's
Yes... with a pause...

they're beginnin --not beginnin-GGH, but--
beginnin' to take off.

Yes, they're beginnin' to take off.
You try...

Good. OK, with my question:
Hey, have you heard of e-cigarettes?

Yeah, I know.

Perfect. OK, so for homework next time I
will ask you:

Have you heard of e-cigarettes?
And you say...

Yes, they're beginning to take off.

OK, please remember this and
we will see you next time. Thank you.


