Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 153 ”It’s chaos.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第153弾は、”It’s chaos.” です。


“Taro, how’s the E.U. after Brexit?
Is everything okay now?”


“It’s a crazy situation. It’s confusion.”


“It’s chaos.”


正しい発音は ”KA-WOS” ではなく ”KEI-YOS” ですので要注意。


Hello everyone welcome to this Bizmates
for beginners video series

and today's phrase is
It's chaos.

OK, not "KA-WOS"
It's chaos.

OK, I hear a lot of my students use
this word but they mispronounce it as

KA-WOS but it's actually "KEI-YOS"

OK, so let's practice and learn this word
today but first let's do our test.

OK, so I say to you:
Hey, have you heard of e-cigarettes?

you know, where you don't

burn the cigarette -- the tobacco -- you just kind of heat it.

Do you know that?
And you say?

That's right.
Yes, they're beginning to take off.

I hope you got that. OK, let's go on to
today's phrase

It's chaos.

So let's imagine that I'm talking to my
colleague, Taro

and we're talking about Brexit.

You know, Britain exiting the European Union.

So I say:
Taro, how's the E.U. after Brexit?

Is everything okay now?

and Taro says:
It's a crazy situation. It's confusion.

This is OK, "it's a crazy situation."
Everything is mixed up.

But to explain that in one word,

we could use "chaos."
OK, everyone is confused...

OK, there many problems because of this
big news.

That's chaos. OK so a natural way to say
this is like this...

So I say:
Taro, how's the U.K. after Brexit?

And Taro says:

It's chaos.

Very natural. OK we could make it even
more natural by saying "it's pure chaos"

it's complete chaos or just "it's chaos"
is OK too.

But not "KA-WOS," OK?
So let's look at pronunciation it's

It's chaos.
It's chaos. You try...

ok good with my question

How's the U.K. after Brexit?

I see.

Perfect. OK, so for homework
next time I will ask you:

How's the U.K. after Brexit?
and you just say...

It's chaos.

OK, please remember this and we'll see
you next time. Thank you.


