Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 161 ”a cold one”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第161弾は、”a cold one” です。


“Taro, oh I’m glad the week is over.It was such a long and tough week.”




“Oh, me too, how about drink a beer together?”



“Me too, how about a cold one?”



※ a cold one:冷えたビール


Hello, everyone.
Nice to see you again and thank you for tuning into another
Bizmates for beginners video lesson.

Today our expression is

a cold one.

So, how do we use this and
what does it mean?

We'll find out in just a second but

that's right, a quick review from last
week's expression.

OK, everyone. So imagine, I say:
Was the customer angry?

How are you going to respond?
You have five seconds. Okay? Go.

And time's up. If you said

Yes, she complained about our service

then you got it. Nice job

Thank you for studying and remembering
last week's expression.

So moving on to this week's expression --
a cold one.

Now, this is what I sometimes hear:
Now, I'm talking with my good friend and colleague, Taro,
I say:
"Taro, oh I'm glad the week is over.
It was such a long and tough week."

And Taro, he agrees he says:
"Oh, me too, how about drink a beer together?"

Sounds like a great idea but this expression
drink a beer together
it's not bad but not very natural.

So instead, what should we say?

that's right. We should say

"Me too, how about a cold one?"

OK, so in case you haven't already guessed

a cold one means a nice cold beer.

Okay? So it can be a bottle of beer,
a glass of beer, a can of beer...

OK, but "a cold one" means a nice cold beer.
Perfect way to finish a long day

work or a long week of work, alright?

Especially now in Tokyo it's so hot and humid.

OK, everyone so about pronunciation --
very simple today, just one small point

the "about" here.

OK, so instead of "how about"
to sound more natural

drop the "a" so this becomes

how 'bout... how 'bout. Okay?
So everyone please repeat after me

How 'bout a cold one?
Go ahead...

Very good. OK, now after my sentence:

I'm glad the week is over.

Good job. That's right.
Me too, how about a cold one?

OK, so make sure to remember this and
use this when you have the chance.

Alright, so this week's bonus question is:

OK, someone who has too many likes
and dislikes is something. What is it?

Well, you'll find the answer in our
previous Bizmates for beginners video

lessons. OK, if you find the answer or
if you're curious about the answer leave

it in the comments -- leave your answer in
the comments or question and I'll get

back to you. OK, everyone? Alright, so
that is it for this week's video lesson.

Enjoy the rest of your week, have a cold
one and relax and see you next time.

Thank you.


