Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 171 ”a pretty penny”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第171弾は、”a pretty penny” です。


“Hey, that’s a really nice watch. It looks really expensive.”



“Thank you. It cost me much money.”



“Thank you. It cost me a pretty penny!”



Hello, everyone. Justin here and welcome

back to another Bizmates for beginners video lesson.

This week, everyone, we are going to learn the expression

a pretty penny.

So what does this mean?
How do we use it?

Let's find out but first, as always,

let's do a quick review of last week's expression.

Alright everyone, so imagine I say:

You know, Takahashi-san has a really
good relationship with his wife.

How do you respond?
You have five seconds.

Okay, everyone?

And time is up.

If you said "Yes. they're really

lovey-dovey" then you got it.

Nice job and thank you for remembering

last week's expression.

OK, everyone so moving on to
a pretty penny.

This is what I sometimes hear:

So again i'm talking to my good friend and

colleague, Taro, and I say:

Hey, that's a really nice watch.

It looks really expensive.

And Taro, what does he say?
He says:

Thank you. It cost me much money.

Okay, well it is a

very nice watch, so I can imagine it costs a lot.

But you know, although this

expression is pretty good, we can use

something more natural.

What is it? That's right.
He can say:

Thank you. It cost me a pretty penny!

So when something is very expensive,

it costs you a pretty penny.

For example, a really nice bag, a nice watch,

or of course something

even bigger like a car or a house.

It costs a pretty penny. Okay?

Alright, pronunciation this week

is fairly simple, but one small note...

Now, this sound here -- the double T sound,

if it's in the middle of a word, when we

speak very quickly in North American accents,

this becomes more of a D sound.

So instead of preTTy,
it becomes preDDy.

It's a pretty penny.

So not pretty, that's a little bit

difficult to say quickly.
So, more natural...

pretty. OK, everyone?
So please repeat after me.

A pretty penny.

Very good! Okay

so and after my sentence:

Hey, nice watch, Taro!

Excellent! That's right.

It cost me a pretty penny.

OK, everyone. So please remember this for next week's review.

OK, this week's bonus question is

another way to say:
very very easy.

If something is very very easy,
what do we say?

Well if you know the answer, don't be shy

leave it in the comments below and I'll

get back to you.
But if you have no idea,

you can find the answer in one of our

previous Bizmates for beginners video lessons.

OK, everyone. So that is it for me this week.

Have a great weekend everyone, stay

warm and see you next time.
Thank you very much.


