“cracks me up”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 183

Cracks me up ってどういう意味?

Cracks me upは、直訳すると「笑わせてくる」という意味になります。

いつも爆笑を誘うような面白さの人を指して、”He cracks me up”と表現します。



Cracks me upってどういう場面で使うの?


A: What do you think of Hika?
B: He’s a funny man.

ちゃんと「ヒカは面白い人」だという思いは伝わっています。でもこのままでは、ヒカがどのくらい面白いかはイマイチ伝わりませんよね。そこで”cracks me up” を使います。

たとえば、”He really cracks me up.”


Cracks me up の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方、それにcracks me upを使ったその他の例文を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello, everyone and we are back with

another Bizmates for beginners video lesson.

This week, everyone, we are going

to learn the expression "cracks me up."

All right, so what does this mean? Let's

find out but first let's do a quick review.

Alright, so imagine I say:
Oh, we didn't get the contract.

So what do you say to respond?

Alright, using the expression from last week,

you have five seconds, okay?

Alright, time is up.

If you said
"it's ok shake it off"

then you got it.

Nice job, thanks for remembering but if

you couldn't quite remember, that's okay.

Shake it off, you'll get it next time, alright?

OK so this week, everyone

the expression "cracks me up."

So I'm talking to Taro and I asked Taro:

So, Taro. You know this guy we work with, Hika --

so what do you think of Hika?

And Taro he says:
Yeah, he's funny man.

OK, so I agree with you too. Hika is a very

funny man

but there is another way to say this

that's more natural. That's right we can say:

"Yes, he cracks me up!"

Alright, so when someone "cracks you up" he

or she makes you laugh, okay? And this

expression can be used for many things.

For example: Yeah, that movie really

cracks me up. Okay?

So anything or anyone that makes you

laugh, cracks you up.

OK, so pronunciation -- very simple, everyone just

as you see it here.
Cracks me up,

alright? So please repeat after me...

He cracks me up.

Your turn.

Excellent! OK, so now after my question:

Hey, what do you think of Hika?

Exactly. Alright, everyone so please remember this

for next time.

Alright, so this week, our bonus question

is another way to say:
"No job now."

If you know the answer,

leave it in the comments below; if you

don't know the answer,

see if you can find it in one of our

previous Bizmates for beginners video lessons.

OK, everyone that is it for me this week,

thank you very much for watching, enjoy

your weekend. I'll see you next time.
Thank you.


