“Push my buttons”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 196

Push my buttons ってどういう意味?

Push someone’s buttons は「神経を逆撫でする」や「逆鱗に触れる」という意味になります。相手が特に嫌がることをあえてして、怒りを引き起こすきっかけを作ることを指します。

Push my buttons は、「頭にくる」という意味で使われます。


Push my buttons ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: The waiter is a bit rude, isn’t he?
You: Yes. Rude people really push my buttons.

Justin: あのウェイター、ちょっと失礼ですよね。
You: 礼儀がない人を見ると本当に頭にきます。


Push my buttons の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone and welcome to this
week's Bizmates for Beginners video

lesson. I hope you're all having a great
week, it is Friday so you must be looking

forward to the weekend. I know I am.
Alright, so let's get started and let's

take a look at our expression this week
which is "push my button." So if you know

what this means, great; if you don't know
what it means, well we're gonna find out

how to use it in our lesson today, but
first as always everyone, let's do a

quick review of last week's expression.
Alright, so imagine I say: Hey, you said

you need some help? And yes you need some
help because you have a little bit of

difficulty or you're having some
problems with something. So what do you

say? alright I'm gonna give you five
seconds. OK everyone are you ready?

Alright go.

And time is up. If you said
"yes, I'm in a jam" then that's exactly right.

Thank you very much for remembering the

expression and try to use this in your
daily conversation. Alright, everyone so

moving on to "push my buttons." This is
what I sometimes hear -- alright, so Taro

and I we're at a local family restaurant.
We're going to have dinner together but

our waiter isn't very kind. He's actually
a little bit rude so I say: Hey, Taro...

the waiter is a bit rude, isn't he?

And Taro, he agrees, so he says:
Yes. Rude people really anger me.

Okay, I understand.
Yeah nobody likes rude people, right? Now

Taro is feeling a little bit angry. You
know, he's not very happy with the

service. Now although this is OK --
"something really angers me"

that's no problem,
we can use an expression that is a

little bit more interesting and
that is... that's right, "Yes. Rude people

really push my buttons." OK so whenever
you feel angered or frustrated by

something, it pushes your buttons, okay?
So for example, ah let's see... mosquitoes, okay

actually the rainy season is going
to be coming to Japan pretty quickly and

yeah the mosquitoes are going to be
everywhere. You know, I hate mosquitoes.

OK, so mosquitoes really push my buttons.
When I, you know, just before I go to

sleep you know, I hear a mosquito in my
ear, I just have to get up and I need to

find that mosquito because you know,
really makes me uncomfortable; you know,

makes me angry.
So mosquitoes really push my buttons. Okay?

So it's a really natural, very useful
expression -- "push my buttons." Alright

so pronunciation is just as you see it
here, everyone. However, when you do see

two T's, alright, in North American

we don't usually pronounce the T's so
strongly so instead of buttons, we say

It's almost silent okay, buttons. So push

my buttons.
Alright everyone, so please repeat

after me:
push my buttons. Your turn.

Alright, very good. OK, now after my sentence:
The waiter is a bit rude, isn't he?

Alright, that's exactly right, everyone.
OK, so please try to remember

this for next week. Alright so moving
on to our bonus question this week, which

is another way to say: "not replied yet."
OK, you're waiting for a reply

from someone, maybe an email or
something but they haven't replied yet.

Can you think of another expression? If
you know what it is, you can leave it in

the comments below, I'll get back to you;
and if you don't, well see if you can

find it in one of our previous Bizmates
for Beginners video lessons, okay? Alright

everyone so that is it for me this week,
thank you very much for watching. Enjoy

your weekend and I'll see you next
Friday. Thank you.


