“Buckle down”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 197

Buckle down ってどういう意味?

Buckle down は「本腰を入れる」「身を入れる」という意味です。「ベルトをしめる」を意味する “Buckle your seatbelt” という表現にあるように、ベルトをしめて運転に備えたり、気を引き締めて物事に取り組むことを意味します。



Buckle down ってどういう場面で使うの?



OK! Time to buckle down!


Buckle down の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and thanks
for tuning in to another Bizmates for

Beginners video lesson. This week
everyone we are going to learn the

expression "buckle down." So what does it
mean? How do we use it? Let's find out but

first let's make sure all of you
remember last week's class by doing a

quick review. Alright everyone, so imagine
we are out we're having lunch or we're

having dinner but the waiter is a little
bit rude; he's not very friendly, so I say:

Hey, the waiter is a bit rude, isn't he?
And you agree but you find that kind of

behavior unacceptable and quite annoying.
So what do you say? How do you respond?

You've got five seconds, alright
everyone? You ready? Go!

Alright and time is up.

If you said "yes rude people really
push my buttons" then that's exactly

right, everyone. Good job and thank you
for remembering last week's class.

OK everyone so moving on to "buckle down."
Now this is what I sometimes hear...

Alright so I just finished a really long day at the office,
I'm ready to leave, I need to go

out and I need to relax.
So I'm asking my colleague Taro to see

if he wants to join me for a beer after
work, so say: Hey, Taro -- and we had a really

long day -- do you want to grab a cold one?
And Taro, he's still working really hard

so he says: Oh sorry, I must concentrate
to finish my work. OK I understand you

always have so many tasks. Now although
this expression is okay, we can use

something a little bit more natural and
that is -- yes...

Sorry, I need to buckle down

OK, so when you really need to
concentrate, when you really need to

focus on a certain task to get it done,
you need to buckle down.

So no, you can't watch TV or no, you can't play on
your smartphone or go drinking with your

friends. You really need to focus, you
really need to concentrate, so you need

to buckle down. OK everyone?
Alright so pronunciation is very

simple, it's just as you see it written
here today so -- sorry, I need to buckle

down. Alright? OK everyone so your
turn, please repeat. Go ahead.

Alright, that's exactly right, good job.
Now after my question:

Hey, do you want to grab a cold one?

OK, alright good job. So
please remember this for next week.

OK everyone our bonus question today is
another way to say: "great performance

before." If you know the answer, leave it
in the comments below; if you don't know

the answer but want to find out, you can
find it in one of our previous Bizmates

for Beginners video lessons, OK? Alright
everyone and that does it for another

week. Thank you very much for watching,
as always enjoy your weekend everyone and

I'll see you next time, thank you.


