“Draw a blank”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 208

Draw a blank ってどういう意味?

Draw a blank は「全く出てこない」という意味になります。何かを聞かれて、答えがわからない、もしくは思い出せないなどの理由で全く反応ができなかった時の状態を表します。


Draw a blank ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: Hey, do you remember the name of that person we met at the last conference?
You: Um… Sorry, I’m drawing a blank.


Draw a blank の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and thanks
for tuning in to this week's Bizmates

for Beginners video lesson. I know all of
you are really curious about this week's

phrase, so let's jump right into it
and get started with our expression

today which is: "draw a blank." Okay so if
you want to find out what it means and

how to use it, stay tuned but first let's
do a quick review of last week's class.

Alright everyone, so imagine we are going
out for lunch but we don't have much

time, so we are going to the convenience
store to pick up something quick. So I

ask you: What are you going to get for
lunch? And you want to eat that sausage

that's on a stick and it's covered
in that kind of pancake batter-tasting

stuff, okay? Usually it's at the front
counter of the convenience store okay?

So you want to eat that.
So what do you call that? Do you remember

the expression? I'll give you a hint, okay.
It's not called an American dog, okay? If

you know the right answer, I'll give you
five seconds to think about it. Are you

ready? Okay go!

And time is up. If you said
"I really want to eat a corndog"

then that's exactly right. Good job and
thank you for remembering last week's class.

Okay everyone moving on to "draw a blank."
Now this is what I sometimes hear. Okay

so just to give you a little bit of
background information, so Taro and I,

last week, we visited one of our clients
okay? But we visit so many clients every

week, so I can't remember that one
client's name. So I asked Taro: Hey, Taro.

You know, last week we visited that one

in Tokyo Station and I say "Do you
remember his name because I can't

remember his name."
And Taro he says: Oh yeah, right. Sorry but

I cannot remember. Okay so this is fine.
Grammar is okay, the expression has no

problem, but we can use something a
little bit more natural and that is...

Yes. Sorry I'm "drawing a blank."
Alright so whenever you can't remember

something or you can't answer a question
or you don't know what to say, you can

say I'm "drawing a blank"
alright everyone? Very popular

expression, we use it all the time.
"Drawing a blank."

So pronunciation is very easy, just as
you see it. So please repeat after me:

Drawing a blank. Your turn.

Alright very good. OK now after my question:
Do you remember his name?

Alright, that's right. Sorry I'm
drawing a blank. Okay so please remember

this for our review next week okay? Alright, so everyone so our bonus question

this week is another way to say: "business."
If you know what the answer is, you can

leave it in the comments below just like
our wonderful commenters out there, thank

you very much everyone for always
commenting on the videos. You can too so

if you have any questions, if you have
any requests or something you'd like for

me to cover, okay, leave it in the
comments below. But if you don't know

what this answer is, you can of course
find it in one of our previous Bizmates

for Beginners video lessons okay?
Alright everyone, that is it for me

this week. Thank you so much for watching,
enjoy your weekend. I'll see you next time.

Thank you.


