“Touch base”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 213

Touch baseってどういう意味?

Touch base は「連絡を取る」を意味する “contact” のカジュアルなバリエーションであると言えます。改まったメールを送るのではなく、「LINEするよ」「スカイプするよ」といった具合に軽く連絡を取ることを指します。


Touch base ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: You’re going on vacation next week. I hope we can survive!
You: Don’t worry. I’ll touch base with the team to check on everyone!

Justin: 来週、お休みを取られるんですよね。〇〇さんがいなくて大丈夫でしょうか・・・
You: 大丈夫ですよ。念のため、旅行先でチームのみなさんと連絡します。


Touch base の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this week's Bizmates for Beginners

video lesson. Today everyone we are going
to learn the expression "touch base."

So let's find out how to use it in your
daily conversation and what it means, but

first everyone, let's do a quick review
of last week's lesson. Alright everyone

so imagine I asked you: How was the
restaurant? Because you went to a really

famous -- a really luxurious restaurant, so
I want to know how your experience was.

So how do you respond, everyone? I'll give
you five seconds okay? Are you ready?

Alright go!

And time is up everyone if
you said "it was out of this world"

then that's exactly right.
Good job and thank you for remembering

last week's expression. OK so moving on
to "touch base." Now this is what I

sometimes hear - OK, so my colleague, Taro,
he is going away on vacation next week.

So I say: Wow Taro, you're going on
vacation next week. I hope we can survive!

Because Taro is a very important member
of our team. If he leaves on vacation, I

don't know if we can operate or if we
can function well without him. So he says:

Yeah, don't worry I'll contact the team
to check on everyone. OK, well that's

very nice of you, Taro - to check in on us
even though you're on vacation. But this

expression here "I'll contact the team to
check on everyone" yeah although it's

fine, I think we can use something a
little bit more interesting in this case,

and that is... yes don't worry, I'll "touch
base" with the team to

check on everyone. OK so when you "touch
base" with someone, it's making kind of

informal contact or communication, like a
short e-mail, a short message or a short

phone call, okay? So you're touching base
with someone, you're checking in to make

sure things are okay, to see how things
are going okay? So it's not supposed to

be a very long, a very serious or very
detailed conversation. It's just a quick

message, a quick e-mail or a quick phone
call to make sure everything is going

smoothly. "Touch base" okay?
Alright so pronunciation everyone, it's

as you see it here, nothing special this
week. So please repeat after me:

I'll touch base with the team to check on
everyone. Your turn.

Alright very good.

OK, now after my sentence:
What? You're going on vacation next week?

I hope we can survive.

OK very good. So please remember this
for next week, okay everyone? Alright so

our bonus question today everyone is
another way to say: "please catch the

phone." So the telephone in your office is
ringing and you would like your coworker

or your colleague to answer the phone.
So what do you say? Alright if you know

what the answer is, you can leave it in
the comments below everyone. If you don't

know what the answer is, you can find it
in one of our previous videos okay?

So that is it for me this week everyone.
Thank you always for watching the

channel. Have a great weekend and I'll
see you next time. Thank you.


