“Pitch in”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 230

Pitch in ってどういう意味?

Pitch in は「力を貸す」や「協力する」という意味になります。

同僚の誕生日プレゼントの費用集めに寄付することで協力したり、人手の足りない仕事にマネージャーが実務において力を貸す時、”I’ll pitch in” 「私も協力します」と言います。


Pitch in ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: I don’t know how we can finish this project by the deadline…
You: If we all pitch in, we can do it!

Justin: この仕事はどう考えても期日までに終わりませんよ。
You: みんなで協力すれば、できますよ!


Pitch in の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this week's Bizmates for Beginners

video lesson, where every week I
introduce a new idiom phrase or

expression to help you with your daily
business conversation. And today, everyone

we are going to learn the expression:
"pitch in." So let's find out how to use it

and what it means, but first as always,
let's do a quick review. Alright everyone

so imagine I say: I just can't figure out
how to use this new phone. And you of

course, want to give me some
encouragement. So what do you say using

the expression from last week? I'll give
you five seconds, okay? You ready?

Alright, go!

And time is up everyone.
If you said: "Don't worry! You will get the

hang of it" then that's exactly right.
Good job and thank you for remembering

last week's class. Alright so let's
move on to "pitch in." Now this is what I

sometimes hear... alright I'm talking to
Taro, my colleague, and I say: Taro, I don't

know how we can finish this project by
the deadline. There's so much work to do.

We don't have enough staff, it's going to
be very difficult to meet this deadline.

And Taro says: Well, if we all fight
together, we can do it. Right,

I like that message. Good team spirit --
fight together. Now although this is okay,

I understand what Taro wants to say. We
want to work together; we want to

cooperate, but this expression isn't
quite so natural. So, instead we can say:

Yes, if we all pitch in, we can do it.
Alright, so if we all "work together" - if we

all contribute, if we all cooperate with
one another, if we all "pitch" in, we

can do it. So it's a very nice and very
useful expression, especially when we are

talking about things like teamwork
and cooperation.

Alright, so pitch in... pronunciation, it's
very easy as you see it here. Pitch in,

okay? But of course these two might form
together, that might join when you

say it very quickly. So instead of pitch

you might hear "pitchin" okay? Pitch in.
Alright so please repeat after me

everyone: if we all pitch in, we can do it.
Your turn.

Okay very good.

Alright, now after my sentence here:
I don't know how we can finish this

project by the deadline...

That's right.
If we all pitch in, we can do it. Okay?

Alright so please remember this for next
time. Okay our bonus question everyone is

another way to say: "employees' feeling." If you know what the answer is, of course

please leave it in our YouTube comments
below; if you don't, of course you can

find it in one of our previous videos,
okay everyone? So, and just a quick shout

out to Minnie. Thank you always for
commenting on the videos, Minnie. I

appreciate it, so keep them coming okay?
Alright so that is it for me this week

everyone, thank you so much, have a great
weekend. I'll see you next time. Thank you.


