Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 97 ”get back at someone”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第97弾は、”get back at someone” です。


“The Sales Team took our meeting room.”「営業部が僕らの会議室とっちゃったよ。」と言いました。

“What? We will revenge.”「はぁ?リベンジします。」

“What? We’ll get back at them.” 「はぁ?やり返してやる。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for

video series and today's idiom

is "get back at someone."

Get back at someone. What does this mean? We will find out,

but first let's do our test. Okay, so I

I think our competitor has a new product.

They have a new product. And you say...

That's right. "Can you look into it?"

with the "W" sound. I hope you got that.

Okay let's go on to today's

idiom "get back at someone."

Here's what I sometimes hear.

Okay let's imagine, Taro and I,

we have a meeting and we

reserved a meeting room

in our company. Okay? So we reserved this room

and I say

The Sales Team took our meeting room.

They took the meeting room. I reserved it and they took it.

And Taro says "What? We will revenge."

Okay, it's kind of "We will revenge."

revenge is often used in Japanese

but we don't use it so much in English
like this

you know "I get revenge" maybe we can
say that,

but to use it as a verb -- we will revenge,

is a little strange. Okay, so

a more natural way to say this, is like

So I say "The Sales Team took our
meeting room."

They took our meeting room. I booked the
room and they took it.

And Taro says "What?

we'll get back at them." Very natural.

We'll get back at them. Okay, so we will

do something to get revenge.

Okay? We'll get back at them. Let's look at pronunciation,

so it's "What?..." with a pause, and it's

quite high. It's "What?..." like this

We'll... not gets back, but it's GET back

We'll get backat... We'll get backat them.


with my sentence "The Sales Team

took our meeting room." ... Good!

Yes, let's get back at them. Okay so for homework

next time I will say "The Sales Team took
our meeting room."

and you say "What?..." we'll get back at them.

Very good. Please remember this and
we will see you

next time. Thank you.


