Bizmatesのプレゼンター Hika, Justin, Kyota より2018年度新年のご挨拶

Bizmatesのプレゼンター Hika, Justin, Kyota より 2018年度新年のご挨拶と、今年の抱負。


【Hika】Hey guys! We just wanted to make this
short video to wish you guys all a Happy

New Year and we thought we'd share our
resolutions for this this year. So Justin,

what's your resolution for this year?
【Justin】Good question. I've given it a lot of

thought and I am starting something
called in the 5 a.m. Club. So I read

something on the Internet - a very reliable
source for all information - and it says

that successful people wake up at 5
o'clock a.m. and they're able to use

that time to devote that time to
improving themselves - whether it's their

health or you know, to learn something
new or whatever. So yeah, I thought I'd give it a shot.

So I love my sleep. So it's a big challenge to do and
I've roped Kyota into it as well, right?

【Kyota】Yes, that's right. So I'm part
of the 5 a.m. Club. Justin brought it up

and I thought "hey, maybe this is my
chance" So I took it. And I wake up at

5:00 or 6:00 every morning.
【Justin】Or 7:00.

【Kyota】Yeah and 7:00.

And what I do is stretch because I haven't been able to touch my toes since age six.

【Justin】It's because you're so tall, Kyota.
【Kyota】Yes, because I'm tall, yes.

But no more excuses. From this year, I'll be touching my toes. how about you, Hika?

【Hika】Well, um... mine's kind of health-related as well.

To be honest for the last couple of
years my health hasn't been very good

and nothing serious nothing to worry
about but you know I'll catch a cold

very easily
I'll get high fevers frequently and I

was a bit worried so for the past few
months I've been taking very good care

of myself so I've been sleeping well
I've been eating well I've been

exercising and I'm gonna elevate that.
I'm gonna take it to the next level

starting this year. So anyway, it's great
to see you guys all again and once again,

Happy New Year!

