Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 116 ”over the top”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第116弾は、”over the top” です。




“I think it was too much.”

“It was over the top. ”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series and today's idiom

is "over the top."

Over the top. Not the mountain, OK. Top of what? What does this mean? We will find

out but first let's do our test. OK, so
you went drinking yesterday, OK? How is

the drinking party yesterday?... Oh, you had one too many. Really? Well drink lots of water.

OK, perfect. OK it means to drink too much.

Now today's idiom. "Over the top" OK what does this mean? Here's what I sometimes hear --

So imagine Taro went to Sanae's wedding. Sanae is our co-worker and he

went to her wedding and I say: How was
Sanae's wedding? Was it a nice wedding?

Beautiful wedding? And Taro says: Yeah, I
think it was too much.

What does this mean? OK I'm a little

confused I think it was too much. OK Taro wants to say that maybe it was too fancy.

OK there were too many people. There were too many lights, music... it was like a big

show not a quiet, you know,

nice wedding. It was a very, you know ... well we say over the top. Too much!

Maybe there were 500 people

12-course meal. You know,

disco balls and... just too much. So a
natural way to say this "too much" is like

this -- so I say: How was I was Sanae's wedding? Taro says: Yeah, it was over the

top. And you could say "it was a bit over
the top." "A bit" is also very natural.

It was over the top. Too much. OK, let's look at pronunciation. So it's "It wasover..."

It wasover the top.

It was over the top. You try... Good. OK, with my question: How was Sanae's wedding?

I see. OK, perfect. For homework, so I'm
gonna ask you "How was Sanae's wedding?"

and you answer... like this: It was over the top. Too much. ok please remember this and we will

see you next time. Thank you.


