Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 117 ”figure out”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第117弾は、”figure out” です。

英語で話をしていると、”figure out”というイディオムは頻繁に耳にしますよね。
今日は”figure out”適した使い方の一例をご紹介します!!



“Yeah, IT is trying to find the problem”
これでも伝わるのですが、”find the problem” という表現は少し不自然なのです。

“IT is trying to figure out the problem.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series and today's idiom

is "figure out." A very common, common idiom that we use.

Figure out. But first let's do our test.
So you went to Sanae's wedding and I

ask you "How was Sanae's wedding?"

That's right. "It was over the top."

A bit too much, right? OK, let's remember
that. Lets go on to today's idiom

Figure out.

Okay here's what I sometimes hear: So
imagine Taro and I our colleagues and

we are having trouble with our company's
system -- IT system -- computer system. And I say:

Taro, why can't we login our system?
Something is wrong. And Taro says:

Yeah, IT is trying to find the problem. They're trying to find the problem. I can

understand. They're trying to "solve" the
problem -- is maybe better.

Find the problem is a little strange, but I sometimes hear this.

Find the problem. Solve the problem. But a more natural way to say it is is like this --

So, I say: Taro, why can't we log in our system? And he says:

IT is trying to figure out the problem.

Very natural. IT is trying to figure it out.

Figure it out. Figure out the problem. OK
let's look at pronunciation it's

IT's trying to figuritou(t). It's not "...figure
IT out but it's

figuritou(t). IT is trying to figure it out.

You try...

Good. OK, with my question: So why can't
we login our system?

OK, let's wait a little bit.

Perfect. OK, so for homework, I
want you to remember this. If I ask you

Why can't we login our system?

You say... that's right. IT's trying to figure it out.

Perfect. Please remember this and we will
see you next time. Thank you.


