Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 123 ”Just my luck.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第123弾は、”Just my luck.” です。



“Oh no, Taro, the train is late.”
「大変だタロウ、電車が遅れている!!」 ヒカはタロウに言いました。



“It is bad luck.”


“Just my luck.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's phrase is
Just my luck.

OK, are you a
lucky person or unlucky person?

OK, if you are unlucky,
maybe you can use this phrase.

OK, but first let's do our test.

So I say:
Thank you for coming to our office.

I hope you visit us again soon.
And you say...

Thanks for everything.

The feeling is important, OK?

So today's phrase
Just my luck.

And we say it like that.
Just my luck!

So it's not a good meaning.

So imagine Taro has an appointment
with a VIP client.

and I say:
Oh no, Taro, the train is late.

We will miss the meeting.
You will miss your meeting with the VIP client.

and Taro says:
It is bad luck.

It is bad luck
It's okay. It doesn't sound very natural though.

It is bad luck.
OK, so what's a natural phrase to say

when something unlucky happens to you?
You can say this...

So if I say:
Oh no, the train is late.

You're going to miss your meeting.
Taro says:

Just my luck.
OK, very natural

So if something bad happens to you

like bad luck, you can say
"just my luck'


OK, good. The feeling is important, all right?

It's not just my luck.
It's just my luck! you try...

Good! OK, with my sentence:
Oh no, the train is late...

Good, good. Like that.
OK, so for homework

next time I will say:
Oh no, the train is late.

And you say...
Just my luck.

OK, please remember this we will see you
next time. Thank you.


