Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 125 ”I’ll take a rain check.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第125弾は、”I’ll take a rain check.” です。




“Hey let’s go drinking tonight.”
「これから飲みに行かない?」 とタロウを誘いました。


“Ah…, let’s go next time.”



“I’ll take a rain check.”


※ ”a rain check”はこの場合、野球などスポーツ観戦が雨天で順延になった時に渡される

“take a rain check”で、「雨天順延券を受け取る」→「延期してもらう」→「またの機会にする」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's phrase is
I'll take a rain check

A rain check. What's a rain check?
We will find out, but first let's do our test.

OK, so you requested a report
and I finished it right away

OK, here's the report you requested.
and you say...

That's right.
You rock.

I hope you got that.
Lets go on to today's phrase

I'll take a rain check

This is a great phrase

when you want to say NO to an invitation.

If someone invites you to a party, drinking...

You know, let's go shopping...
we can use this phrase to

say NO. Like this, let me show you.

So let's imagine Taro and I
are colleagues and I say:

Let's go drinking tonight.
We finished work early. let's go drinking.

And Taro says:
Ah..., let's go next time.

This is OK.
Let's go next time.

I hear this often, you know.

I often ask my co-workers
Hey, let's go drinking...

It's always
Let's go next time...

It's OK. But a more natural way to say this
is like this

So I say:
Hey let's go drinking tonight.

And Taro says:
I'll take a rain check.

Very natural.
I'll take a rain check.

May be the reason, you know, so...
I'll take a rain check,

I'm a little tired today.

I'll take a rain check.
I have dinner plans with my wife.

Like this. And it just means

I can't go with you tonight or today,
but I will go next time.

OK, like this.
I'll take a rain check.

Let's look at pronunciation, it's

I'll takea rain check.

You try...

Good. With my sentence:
Hey, let's go drinking tonight.

(I'll take a rain check)

Oh, OK. Sure, next time.

OK, for homework I will say:

Let's go drinking tonight.
And you say...

I'll take a rain check...

and give a reason.
I'll take a rain check. I have to work late.

Like this.

OK, please practice this and we will see
you next time.

Thank you


