Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 134 ”No word yet.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第134弾は、”No word yet.” です。


“Taro, what did the customer say? Did the customer reply? ”


“The customer has not replied yet.”


“No word yet.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's short phrase is
No word yet.

No word yet. What does this mean?
We will find out but first let's do our test.

OK, so let's imagine I asked for File A
and I say:

Hey, can I have File A?
This is the wrong file. You say:

That's right.
Sorry, my mistake.

It's a small mistake. That's all
we need to say. I hope you got that. OK

let's go on to today's phrase
No word yet.

What does this mean? Well, let's imagine
Taro and I are colleagues and we sent an

e-mail to a customer. And we are waiting
for a reply from the customer

Waiting for a reply... response.
And I say:

Taro, what did the customer say?
Did the customer reply?

And Taro says:
The customer has not replied yet.

OK, perfect sentence
The customer has not replied yet.

It is a little bit long, you know. So, to say this
in a really short way -- in a natural way

we can say this

so if I say:
What did the customer say? Did he reply?

And Taro says:
No word yet.

Very natural! No word yet.
OK? No response yet.

OK, it's a very common expression
you say. "No word yet."

OK, so let's look at pronunciation. It's just --
No word yet. No word yet. You try...

OK, with my sentence:
So what did the customer say?

I see. Just like that. So for homework
next time I will ask you:

What did the customer say?
Did we receive a reply?

And you say... that's right.
No word yet.

OK, please remember this and we will see
you next time. Thank you.


