Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 137 ”a fresh start.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第137弾は、”a fresh start.” です。



“Taro, I couldn’t achieve my sales target.”


“Hika, don’t worry. You have another chance. ”

これでも良いのですが、”another chance” だと

“Don’t worry. You have a fresh start.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's idiom is
a fresh start.

What does this mean?
We will find out but first let's do our test.

OK so imagine we are colleagues
and I say:

The project is really difficult! I can't do this.
And you say:

You're doing a good job! Keep it up!

That's right. Not "fight" OK?
Round one... No, no, no. It's

keep it up. Continue doing good work.
I hope you got that.

OK let's go on to today's idiom
a fresh start.

OK so let's imagine Taro and I are colleagues.
Here's what I sometimes hear --

So let's say...
I say to Taro:

Taro, I couldn't achieve my sales target.

So I'm very sad, OK?
And Taro says:

Hika, don't worry. You have another chance.

This is April so it's the start
of the new business year.

You have another chance.
This sentence is OK

You have another chance
but it sounds like a little negative.

You have one more chance.
If you fail again you are...

It has kind of that image, you know.

You have another chance.
I will give you another chance.

So a more positive way to say this
is like this -- so I say:

I couldn't achieve my
sales target last year. I'm so sad.

And Taro says:
Don't worry. You have a fresh start.

This is a new year -- April.
You have a fresh start. A new chance.

OK? Perfect! Sounds much more positive.
OK, let's look at pronunciation it's

Don't worry. You hav'a fresh star(t).

Not START, but star(t).
Don't worry. You hav'a fresh start.

You try... OK, good.
With my sentence:

I couldn't achieve my sales target last year.

OK I'll try my best. Thank you. Perfect.
OK, so for homework next time I'll say:

I couldn't achieve my sales target.
And you say:

Don't worry. You have a fresh start.

Very positive. Please remember this and
we'll see you next time. Thank you.


