Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 139 ”a rip-off”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第139弾は、”a rip-off” です。




“What? a cup of coffee is 1,500 yen!?”
「え? コーヒー1杯で1500円!?」


“That’s too expensive..”


“That’s a rip-off.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's idiom is
a rip-off.

What does this mean?
We will find out but first let's do our test.

So I asked you... I see this brand.
I don't know this brand, and I say:

Is this a famous brand in Japan?
And you say...

That's right.
Yes, it's a household name in Japan.

Everyone knows it. I hope you got that.
OK, let's go on to today's idiom

a rip off. What does this mean?
Well here's what I sometimes hear --

So imagine Taro and I are at the airport, OK?

And we're in a coffee shop.
A nice coffee shop and I

look at the menu and I say:
What? a cup of coffee is 1,500 yen!

Very expensive right? And Taro says:
That's too expensive.

OK, this is okay. "That's too expensive."
It's a normal sentence. But to say it

with impact, when you say
Wow, that's expensive!

Too expensive! Too, too, too expensive!
You can say this -- so I say:

Taro, a cup of coffee 1,500 yen at the airport.
And he says:

That's a rip-off.

Very natural. It's kind of slang, you know.
But it means it's just crazy expensive

Unbelievably expensive! OK?
It's a rip-off.

OK, so let's look a pronunciation it's
That'sa a rip off. That'sa rip-off.

You try...

Good. OK, with my sentence:
A cup of coffee is 1,500 yen!

I know.
OK, so it's a nice, short idiom.

But you know don't say this
to another person's product.

You know, if you're meeting with a vendor
and they show you their price

Don't say "That's a rip-off!"

It's a very direct, strong sentence, OK?
OK, so homework next time I will say:

A cup of coffee is 1,500 yen!
And you say...

That's a rip-off.
That's right. It's too expensive.

Please remember this and we'll see you
next time. Thank you.


