Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 140 ”a steal”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第140弾は、”a steal” です。



“Taro this jacket was only 1,000 yen.The regular price is 10,000 yen.
It was ninety percent off.”


“Wow, that’s so cheap. ”

“Wow, what a steal.”


※a steal「超お買い得品、掘り出し物」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's word is
a steal.

OK, it doesn't mean to take some money,
like steal money or steal something, OK?

It has another meaning. But first let's do
our test. OK, so we're at the airport and

we know everything at the airport is
expensive, right? And I say:

What? A cup of coffee is 1,500 yen!
I can't believe it. You say...

That's a rip-off.
It's too expensive.

OK, I hope you got that. Lets go on to
today's word "a steal."

OK, so here's what I sometimes hear --
So I'm wearing a new jacket and I say:

Taro this jacket was only 1,000 yen.

The regular price is 10,000 yen.
It was ninety percent off.

And Taro says:
Wow, that's so cheap.

OK, this sentence is okay. The price is very low.
From 10,000 to 1,000 yen; 90% off.

But "cheap" means kind of like low quality.
It has that image.

Low quality... fabric, you know.
So the quality's not bad. It's a 10,000-yen jacket.

The price is low, OK?
So a better idiom is like this -- so I say:

Taro, this jacket was only 1,000 yen.
Regular price is 10,000 yen. Ninety percent off.

What do you think? And he says:
Wow, what a steal.

OK. Can you imagine?
So, i didn't steal the jacket

but the price is so low, it's like "stealing" it.

It just means it's a really good deal.

A really good price.
What a steal.

OK, let's look at pronunciation, it's
Whata steal. Whata steal.

You try...

Good. OK with my sentence:
Hey, this jacket was only 1,000 yen.

I know you can buy it too.
The sale is still going on.

OK just like that. OK, so for homework
next time I will say:

This jacket was only 1,000 yen.
And you say:

That's right.
What a steal.

Please remember this and we'll see you next time. Thank you.


