Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 150 ”Are we still on for…?”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第150弾は、”Are we still on for…?” です。

“Have a nice weekend, Taro.”




“Monday’s meeting is ok?”


“Hika, Hika! Are we still on for Monday?”



Hello everyone welcome to this Bizmates
for beginners video series

and today's question is
Are we still on for...?

OK, great question you could use in
your office.

But before we do this,
let's look at our test

OK, so i asked you;
we are having a meeting

and you are speaking,
you're giving your update and I say:

Is that all?
And you say...

That's right.
That's it from me.

OK, I hope you got that. Let's go on to
today's phrase or question

Are we still on for...?

OK, well here's what I sometimes hear.

So let's imagine that Taro and I,
we have a meeting scheduled next Monday.

OK, so today is Friday and i said
I'm going home and I say:

Have a nice weekend, Taro.
And Taro says:

Hika, Hika! Monday's meeting is OK?

Monday... Monday....
Yeah, okay, okay! No problem.

OK, perfect. So Taro is confirming the
meeting on Monday.

Monday's meeting is ok?

This is OK but it sounds kind of like broken English.

Monday's meeting is OK?
OK, so a more natural way

to say this;
to confirm your meeting is like this

So I say: OK, Taro, have a nice weekend!
See you, bye!

And Taro says:
Hika, Hika! Are we still on for Monday?

Monday... Monday...
Oh yes, yes... Monday... OK.

We have a meeting I remember.
Very natural.

Are we still on for Monday?
And this could be used for a meeting,

it could be used to confirm a date you
know with your girlfriend or your spouse

or your boyfriend, you know.

Are we still on for Sunday?
Are we still on for Saturday?

OK. So, are we still meeting
on this day?

OK? So a great way to confirm your schedule.
OK, let's practice pronunciation it's

Are we stillon for Monday?

Are we stillon for Monday?
You try...

Perfect. OK, with my sentence:

OK, have a nice weekend! Will see you.

Oh yeah! Monday.
OK, OK, alright see you then.

Perfect. OK, so for homework next time I
will ask -- I will say "Have a nice weekend."

And you confirm the meeting
by asking this"

Are we still on for Monday?

Please remember this and we'll see you next time.
Thank you.


