Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 181 ”a lightweight”

無料ビジネス英語学習 For Beginners 第181弾は、”a lightweight” です。


“Hey, Taro do you like drinking?”




“Well, I’m weak for alcohol.”



“I’m a lightweight.”


※逆に、お酒に強い人のことを”a heavyweight”とは言わないので、


Hello, everyone. Justin here and we are back with this week's Bizmates for Beginners video lesson.

So this week,everyone we are going to learn the expression "a lightweight".

So what is a lightweight? We'll find out in our video today but as always,

let's begin with a quick review of last week's lesson.

Ok, everyone so imagine i ask you, "Are you enjoying the chocolate?"

You got a lot of chocolate for Valentine's day and you really love sweets.

So what do you say?

You've got five seconds. Okay? Go!

Alright, everyone. Time is up!

If you said, "I have a sweet tooth.",

nice job, thank you very much for remembering the expression.

Ok, everyone let's move on to this week's phrase which is, "a lightweight".

Now this is what I sometimes hear. Okay, i'm talking to Taro my colleague,

and I ask him, "Hey, Taro do you like drinking?"

And Taro, he says, "Well, I'm weak for alcohol."

Okay, so I guess this means Taro isn't good at drinking.

And although this is okay, it's not very natural.

So in Canada or in Western countries you might hear someone say...that's right,

"I'm a lightweight."

Okay, so a lightweight, well in boxing,

of course you have a lightweight boxer.

You know, someone who's not very big or very heavy.

And of course, you have a heavyweight,right?

The really big, strong, powerful fighters.

But when we are talking about drinking and alcohol,

a lightweight is someone that isn't good at drinking.

They get drunk very easily, so this person is a lightweight, okay?

Alright, now pronunciation is very simple, very easy,

just as you see it here.

Lightweight, okay? So please repeat after me.

I'm a lightweight. Your turn.

Good job. Okay, now after my question, "Do you like drinking?"

Okay, very good. Nice job, everyone. So please remember this for next time.

Okay, our bonus question this week is, another way to say: "Another chance".

So, you can find this answer in one of our previous Bizmates for Beginners videos,

so check it out and leave your answer in the comments below if you find it.

Okay, everyone, so that is it for this week's video. Thank you so much for watching,

have a great weekend and I'll see you next time. Thank you so much.

Hello, everyone. Thanks for watching the video! If you like what you see,

don't forget to check out Hika's Words and Phrases video series or

the previous video for Bizmates for Beginners.

And don't forget to click the subscribe button, and like us, and leave a comment if you like,

and we hope to see you again soon.

Thank you!


