Point 21 ”acquaintance” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第21弾は、”acquaintance” です。


“Is he your friend?” 「彼は友人ですか?」


“Not friend, but I know him.”

“acquaintance” = 「知り合い、知人」という意味のワードをつかって、

“He’s an acquaintance.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is acquaintance.

Yes, it sounds like a difficult long word, but it's not so difficult OK.

But first, let's do our test.
OK. So last time we learned OK.

So I want to have a meeting and I say to you,
hey, can you join our meeting next week?

Can you join our meeting next week?
And you need time to think.

What do you say?
Yeah, let me get back to you.

That's right. And you could have some time to think
and check your schedule.

Let me get back to you.
I hope you got that. OK.

All right, let's go to today's word, acquaintance.
What does this mean?

OK, imagine that Taro and I, we are co-workers OK.

And there's someone new in the lobby.
There's ah, there's a man in the lobby.

And I say to Taro, is he your friend?

And Taro's looking and he says,
Ah not, not friend, not family member, ah but I know him.

Oh you know him, so is he like your co-worker?
Ah no no, not co-worker.

You know, I know him.
It's a little bit strange.

What can we say for someone who is not a friend,
who is not a family member,

who is not a co-worker, not my boss, but I know him.

In this case, we can say this.

OK. So I say, Taro, is he your friend?
And he says, ah, he's an acquaintance.

Ah I see, just an acquaintance.
Perfect. OK?

So, someone, not a friend, not a close friend or family member,
but someone you know is an acquaintance.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.

So we could say, he's anacquaintance.

He's anacquaintance. He's anacquaintance.
You try.

Good. OK, one more time with my question.
Hey, is he your friend?

Very good. OK, so for homework,
next time I will ask you.

Is he your friend?
And you say, ah, he's an acquaintance.

OK, we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


