“Through the roof”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 219

Through the roof ってどういう意味?

Through the roof は、「非常に高い」「突き抜けている」という意味になります。何かの数値が飛び抜けて高い場合などに使用します。


Through the roof ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: How are the sales?
You: They’re though the roof!

Justin: 売り上げはどうですか?
You: 突き抜けています!


Through the roof の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone and welcome to another
Bizmates for Beginners video lesson. My

name is Justin and every week I'm going
to introduce a simple idiom or

expression that you can use in your
daily conversation. So today everyone, we

are going to learn the expression
"through the roof." So let's find out how

to use this and what it means in our
video today. But first everyone, let's do

a quick review of last week's class. All
right everyone, imagine I say "do you know

how to install the new operating system?"
ok but unfortunately, imagine you are not

good at technology. You have no idea. So
what do you say? I'll give you five

seconds. OK ready, go. OK everyone time
is up. If you said "No, I'm not tech savvy"

then that's exactly right and well done.
OK, let's move on to our expression

"through the roof." Now this is what I
sometimes hear. OK, I'm talking to my

colleague Taro and I'm asking him about
our sales performance. So I asked "How are

the sales figures?" And he says "They are
very high." OK, this is good, but I think we

can use something for a little bit more
emphasis to make this sound a little bit

more exciting. So Taro can say "they are
through the roof. OK? So whenever

something is really high, it's through
the roof. It can be used in a negative

sense as well. So for example, if you are
sick, maybe you have a really high fever.

You can say my temperature is through
the roof. OK? So it depends on the

situation. All right now pronunciation. Everyone,

it's very simple. It's as you see it here
this week. They are through

the roof. OK, so please repeat after me.
Through the roof.

Your turn. All right, very good. Now after
my question. How are the sales figures?

They are through the roof. OK, very good.
So please remember this for next time.

OK our bonus question everyone is
another way to say "we have many same

point" if you know a more natural way to
say this, leave it in the comments below.

If you're curious to find out what the
answer is, you can find it in one of our

previous Bizmates for Beginners video
lessons. OK everyone, that is it for me

this week. Thank you so much for watching.
Have a great weekend.


