Point 22 ”expanding” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第22弾は、”expanding” です。


“How’s your business?” 「仕事の調子はどうだい?」


“It is growing up.”

しかし、”grow up” は人や動物に対して使う言葉ですので、「仕事」という無機物に対して使うと、不自然な印象を与えてしまいます。

こうしたシチュエーションでは、ぜひ”expand” をつかって、

“It’s expanding.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is expanding.
Expanding. What does this mean?

When do we use it? Hmmm...
We will learn.

But first, let's do our usual test.

OK. So, we are in the lobby of our company.
You and I, we are co-workers.

And I say, hey, is he your friend?
And you say...

He's an acquaintance. That's right.
Not a friend, not a family member, but someone you know.

OK, did you get that?
I hope so.

OK, let's go on to today's word, expanding.
OK. So let's imagine,

Taro and I are talking.
And ah I ask Taro about his business OK.

Maybe he works, Taro works for another company this time.
OK, a different company.

And I say, Taro, how's your business?
How's business? Is it good?

And Taro says, ah it is growing up.

Growing up. Hmmm...
This is a little unnatural,

because growing up is used for people, yeah.
My son is growing up. My daughter is growing up.

But we don't say our business is growing up.
It's a little strange OK.

So, we can say this.

So I say to Taro, how's your business?
And he says, hmmm... yeah, it's expanding.

It's great! It's getting bigger.
Yeah, it's expanding.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.
It's expanding.

It's expanding. You try.

Very good. Let's try it with my question.
So, how's your business?

Oh OK, that's good.
All right, OK just like that.

For homework, next time I will ask you.
How's your business?

And you say, yeah it's expanding.

OK. All right, so we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


