“Shoot the breeze”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 223

Shoot the breeze ってどういう意味?

Shoot the breeze は、時間を潰すことが目的の雑談をすることを指します。日本語で言う「他愛もない話をする」「おしゃべりをする」のと同じです。


Shoot the breeze ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: So what did you talk about with your client?
You: Oh, we just shot the breeze.

Justin: それで、取引先の方々と何を話したのですか?
You: 他愛もない話をしただけでした。


Shoot the breeze の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this week's Bizmates for Beginners

video lesson where every week I
introduce a new word expression or idiom

to help you with your daily business
conversation. Alright, everyone so today

we are going to learn the expression
"shoot the breeze." So to find out what it

means and how to use it, stay tuned but
first I hope all of you remember last

week's class because, that's right, we are
going to do a quick review.

So everyone imagine I say: Our favorite
manager is leaving the company. So how is

everyone feeling now? Of course everyone
is feeling really sad, everyone's mood is

really down. So how do you say that using
our expression from last week? I'll give

you five seconds okay, you ready?
Alright go.

And time is up, if you said

the morale is low, then that's exactly
right good job and thank you for

remembering last week's word. OK, so
let's move on to "shoot the breeze" now

this is what I sometimes hear:
Alright so my colleague and good friend,

Taro, he invited me out for coffee, okay.
So we're just sitting in the coffee shop,

we're relaxing, so I asked him: Taro, so
was there anything you wanted to talk

about or do you want to talk about
anything special? And he says:

No, let's just free chat. OK, so yes I hear this
expression used quite a lot. So just, you

know, talk about something casual, have a
nice casual conversation, nothing special.

So I understand the meaning, but we can
use something a little bit more natural

and that is... yes, let's just "shoot the
breeze." OK so whenever you just want to

have a casual, simple, light, friendly
conversation, do some small talk, you just

"shoot the breeze."
OK everyone? Alright, so now

pronunciation, it's very simple, it's as
you see it here "shoot the breeze" okay?

Shoot the breeze.
So please repeat everyone after me:

No, let's just shoot the breeze.
Your turn.

Alright, exactly. OK, now after my
question. So was there anything special

you wanted to talk about? Alright, good.
Let's just shoot the breeze. Okay?

Alright so please remember to use this in
your daily conversation. Alright, so our

bonus question this week everyone is
another way to say: "the temperature is

going down." It is getting a little bit
cooler now that we are in December, so if

you know how to say this in a more
natural way, please leave it in the

comments below and I'll get back to you.
Alright, so that is it for me

this week everyone, thank you so much for
watching. Have a great weekend I'll see

you next time. Thank you.


