Point 23 “let someone go” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第23弾は、”let someone go” です。


“What happened to Danny in IT?” 「ITのダニー、どうしたの?」


“He was fired.”


こうしたシチュエーションでは、ぜひ”let someone go” をつかって、

“We had to let him go.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's idiom is let someone go.
Hmmm... what does this idiom mean?

OK we will find out.
But first let's do our test.

So I will ask you, let's imagine,
we work for different companies.

And I say, hey how's your business?
Is it good?

And you say...

Yeah, it's it's expanding.
That's right. It's getting bigger.

OK, I hope you got that.
OK let's go on to today's idiom.

Let someone go.
What does this mean? Hmmm...

Well let me show you an example first.
OK so let's imagine, Taro and I,

we are co-workers.
We work for the same company.

And I say, hey Taro, what happened to Danny in IT?
I don't see him anywhere.

I haven't seen him for 2 weeks.
Where is Danny?

And Taro says, yeah, he was fired.

OK. Now that's a very honest answer, fired.
But it's a very strong word to use.

Especially in the office, fired.
OK so we don't want to use that. Hmmm...

So a better way to say this, is this.

So if I say, so Taro what happened to Danny in IT?
Where is he?

He can say, yeah, we had to let him go.

Let him go. It means fired.
But it's a lot softer, yeah.

If you say fired, many people will look you know.
So let someone go is a little bit softer.

OK let's look at pronunciation.
OK pronunciation is quite difficult here.

So it's we, not had to, but it's we ha ta.
We ha ta.

And it's not let him go, but it's le im.
Le im go. We ha ta le im go.

We ha ta le im go. You try.

Good. OK let's try it with my question OK.
So what happened to Danny in IT?

Oh really?
OK just like that. OK?

Now for homework, I will ask you next time.
What happened to Danny in IT?

And you say, we had to let him go.
We had to let him go.

OK so please practice this and
we'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


