Point 38 “Gotcha” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第38弾は、“Gotcha” です。



“I’ll be 5 minutes late.”

“I understand.”


と言ってみましょう。これは、”I got you.” を短く変形した表現で、



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is very useful, it's gotcha.
Gotcha. What does this mean?

We will find out.
OK but first let's do our test.

We are going drinking OK.
And I say, hey are you coming out?

And you say, yeah...
That's right. No, I'm gonna pass.

OK good. Did you get that?
OK I hope so.

All right. Let's go on to today's word, gotcha.
It's a very casual. It's OK to use with your co-workers.

Maybe not with the customer or or
the president of your company.

But with your co-workers, sure it's OK to use gotcha.
What does this mean?

OK here let's, let's say Taro and I are co-workers.
And I say, ah Taro, ah ah I'll be 5 minutes late for our meeting.

We have a meeting and I say, yeah Taro,
I'm sorry, I'll be 5 minutes late.

And he says, yes I understand.
Hmmm, I understand.

It's very formal, I understand.
It's OK English, it's not wrong.

But it sounds a little strange, I understand yeah.
OK so what窶冱 a more natural way? Is like this.

OK so we're having a meeting.
And I say, Taro I'm sorry. Ahm I'll be 5 minutes late.

And he just says, yeah gotcha.
Perfect. And it actually means got you.

I got you. I understand, yeah.
In Japanese you often say ____, right? ____.

Same thing like that, gotcha.
OK very useful yeah. You use it in many situations.

OK let's look at pronunciation.
It's just gotcha. Gotcha.

Gotcha. You try.

OK so let's try it with my sentence.
We're having a meeting.

I'm sorry, I'll be 5 minutes late.

Perfect. OK just like that.

All right for homework, I'm going to say,
hey next time, I'll be 5 minutes late.

And you say, gotcha.
Just like that.

OK we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


