Point 54 ”for good.” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第54弾は、”for good.” です。



“Do you plan to stay in Japan forever?”
foreverはずっとという意味ですが、重みのある言葉です。例えば”I love you forever.” “We will remember someone forever.”等に使うには適しています。

“Do you plan to stay in Japan for good?”「これからずっと日本に住む予定ですか?」と言ってみましょう。同じくずっとという意味ですが、より軽い内容の会話で自然に使えます。

“Do you plan to stay in Japan for good?”


Hello, and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for business people. And today's

phrase is for good. Not bad. But good. For
good. What does this mean? OK, we will find

out. But first, let's do our usual test from
the previous lesson. Do you remember? OK,

we're colleagues and I say how was your weekend?
Did you have a good weekend? And you say,

that's right. Great. Thanks for asking. How
about you? I had a great weekend too. I went
to the zoo, OK. Good, did you get that? I
hope so.

All right, let's go on to today's phrase,
which is for good. What does this mean?
OK, well here's what I often hear. So,

I'm from Canada, right? So, I'm in Japan,
but I'm originally from Canada. And Taro,

my colleague, he says, Hika, do you plan to
stay in Japan forever? Forever? And I say,

forever? Well, well, yes I do. OK, Taro's
question is a good question. Do you plan to

stay in Japan forever? 10 years? 5 years?
Or forever? It's a little strange because

forever is actually a very heavy word. Very
heavy. OK? We can say I love you forever.

Or we can say this plastic will stay here
forever. Or something like that. We will remember

someone forever. But will you stay here forever?
It's just a little too heavy. OK. It's a little

more natural to say this. So, Taro's question
is so Hika, do you plan to stay in Japan for

good? Yeah, it means forever, until you die.
For the rest of your life. But it's a very

natural phrase. For good. Do you plan to stay
in Japan for good? And my answer is yes, I

do. I plan to stay here for good. Very casual
and natural. OK, so let's practice pronunciation.

So Taro's question is do you plan, but it's
doya, doya. Do you plan to stay. Do you plan

to stay in Japan for good? For good? It's
not goodo. But it's do you plan to stay in

Japan for good? You try. Good, one more time.
Do you plan to stay in Japan for good? Excellent.

OK, so next time we meet, you can ask me this
question. You can say, Hika, do you plan to

stay in Japan for good? And I'll say, yes
I do. OK so please practice this and we'll

see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


