Point 56 ”We have a lot in common.” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第56弾は、”We have a lot in common.” です。


“So, you and Yuji are the same age right?”「タロウ、あなたとユウジは同い年なんだね?」


“Yes, we have many same point.”「そうだね、私たちには多くの同じポイントがあります。」

“Yes, we have a lot in common.”「そうなんだよ、僕達には共通点が多いね。」



Hello and to welcome to this Bizmates

for beginners video series

for business people and today's phrase

is we have a lot in common.

A lot In common. What does thismean?
How do we use it?

That is today's lesson.

But first let's do our usual test

from the previous lesson. Do you remember?

OK, so I will ask you, hey do you want

tea or coffee? And you say,

I'll go with coffee.

That's right, not select coffee, but I'll
go with coffee.

Very natural. OK so please practice that.

All right, now for today's lesson we have

a lot In common. OK.

What does this mean? Here's what I usually
hear. So let's imagine

I'm talking to Taro, my colleague, and
there's another colleague,

Yuji. So there's Yuji and Taro. And I say to Taro,

Yeah, so Taro, you and Yuji are the same

age, right? You're 45. He's 45.

And Taro says, ah yes

we have many same point.

What do you mean, same point. Yes the same

age. We live in the same city.

We joined the company at the same time.
We both like soccer.

You know, so they have many same points. But it's a little bit strange.

I've noticed many students like to use
point or points.

Hmm, so what's a more natural way

to say this? OK so if I say,

so Taro you and

Yuji are the same age, right? You're the same age, right? 45, 45.

And he says, yes we have a lot in common.

Ohhh, very natural. We have

a lot in common. We're the same age; we
joined the company at the same time;

we live in Tokyo; we're both married.

We have a lot in common. OK, so let's
practice pronunciation.

OK, so it's yes with a pause. Yes,

we have a lot in. You can put those
words together.

We have a lot in. We have a lot in

We have a lot in common. You try. Good. One more time.

OK, yes we have a lot in common.

OK, so please practice this because
next time

I will ask you. I'll say are you and Yuji

are the same age, right? And you say,

yes we have a lot in common. OK.

So, please practice this and we'll see you
in the next lesson.

Thank you


