Point 60 ”jammed” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第60弾は、”jammed” です。


“What’s wrong with the photocopier?”「コピー機どうしちゃったの?」とタロウに聞きました。

“The paper doesn’t come out.”「紙が出てきません。」

“It’s jammed.”「紙が詰まっちゃったよ。」

“It’s stuck.”

“It’s jammed.”は何かが引っかかっている時によく使われます。
“It’s stuck.”は何かが動かないというときに幅広く使えます。


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners video series. And today's word is jammed.

That's right, a very short word, but a very natural word, jammed. OK, but first let's do our usual test.

OK, we're colleagues and I ask you, is it going to rain this weekend?

And you say, most likely. Very good. Did you remember it? Just like that. Most likely.

OK, so let's go on to today's word, jammed.
What does this mean?

Let's imagine that Taro and I are colleagues. And the photocopier is broken. It says out of order, broken.

And I ask Taro, what's wrong with the photocopier?
And he says, the paper doesn't come out.

I see, so the paper doesn't come out. I can
understand. But it's not really natural. OK?

You can say it's stuck. It's OK. Or you can
say this one. So, I say, Taro, what's wrong

with the photocopier? And he says, it's jammed.
Oh very natural. It's jammed or stuck.

The paper doesn't come out. OK, it's a very common word to use, especially for the photocopier.

OK? OK, let's look at pronunciation. Very
simple. The emphasis is on jammed. It's jammed.

It's jammed. OK, you try. Good, one more time.
It's jammed. Good job. OK. So for homework,

I'm going to ask you, what's wrong with the
photocopier? And you say, it's jammed.

That's right. So, remember this and we'll see you
in the next lesson. Thank you.


