Point 85 ”portly” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第85弾は、”portly” です。


“What does Mr.Sasaki look like?”「佐々木さんの見た目ってどんな感じ?」と聞きました。

“He’s a fat man.”「太った人です。」

“He’s a portly man.”「かっぷくの良い人だよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for

video series and today's word

is portly. Portly. A very short word.

What does this mean? We will find out but

let's do our test. Okay so

let's imagine you broke your smartphone.
It's broken.

And you're a little bit embarrassed. Okay
maybe you put it in the washing machine

and the smart phone broke. Maybe.

You don't want to tell me the reason or how. Okay so I say how did you break your


What do you say?

That's a right. I'd rather not say. Okay.

If someone asks you a question. You don't
want to answer it.

You could say, I'd rather not say. I hope
you got that.

Okay let's go on to today's word,

which is very short, portly. Okay.

Here's what I often hear. So I'm talking to Taro

and I'm looking for Mr. Sasaki. Okay
I've never met

Mr. Sasaki before. So I say Taro.

What does Mr. Sasaki look like? Is he
tall? Is he short?

And Taro says he's a fat man.

Okay he's a fat man.

Hmm, not so good. Okay. It's it's

no one likes to be called fat.

Right? Okay so this is not a good word.

So we can say this. I say ah,

Taro what does Mr. Sasaki look
like? Tall? Short?

And Taro says

he's a portly man. Yes that means a
little bit round.

A portly man. Okay so it's better than

fat. We say portly. Okay.

Let's remember this. He's a portly man.
And let's practice pronunciation.

So it's he's a. He's a portly man. And
you have a pause there.

He's a portly man. OK you try.

Good okay with my question.

Um, what does Mr. Sasaki look like? Ah,

ok ok I'll find him. Thank you. Like this.

Okay for homework. So I'm going to ask you next time,

what does Mr. Sasaki look like? And you

not he's a fat man, but he's a portly

man. And you have a pause. He's a portly man.

Okay it's not rude. Okay please remember

We will see you next time. Thank you.


