Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 86 ”between jobs”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第86弾は、”between jobs” です。


「How is Yoshi doing?」と同僚のタロウに聞きました。

“He has no job now.”「彼は失業中です。」

“He’s between jobs now.”「求職中だよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for

video series and today's idiom

is between jobs. Between jobs.

What does this mean? Wwe will find out but first

let's do our test. Okay so I'm looking
for Mr. Sasaki.

I don't know what he looks like. And I
say hey

what what does Mr. Sasaki look like?
is he tall? Is he short?

And you say not he's a fat man.

but there you go.

He's a portly man. Much softer.

Okay I hope you got that. Let's go to

idiom, between jobs.

Okay here's what I usually hear. OK.

So let's imagine Yoshi, Yoshi is an

old colleague of ours and

Yoshi quit our company. And

I haven't seen him for for a few months.

So I say taro, how is Yoshi doing?

I haven't seen him for a while. And Taro says

Ah yeah, he has no job now.


It's a little bit strong. He has, he has no job.

I hope he's okay. Okay so

jobless or unemployed. It's not such a
good word

to use. So what's a more natural and a
softer way

to say this. A more positive way. Like

So I say Taro, how's Yoshi doing?

I haven't seen him for a while. And he says
yeah, he's between jobs now.

Ah, I see. He's between jobs now. So he's
looking for new work okay.

I hope he finds a good job. It's perfect.

Very natural. Very positive. Soft. Okay
let's practice pronunciation.

It's he's between jobs now.

Jobs now. He's between jobs now. You try.

Good. With my question.

So how is Yoshi doing? Perfect.

Okay for homework. Next time I'm going to
ask you,

I'm going to say how's Yoshi doing? And you say

not he has no job now. But

he's between jobs now.

Okay please remember this and we'll see

next time. Thank you.


