Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 99 ”like a million dollors”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第99弾は、”like a million dollors” です。


“How are you doing?”「元気?」と聞きました。

“I’m great.”「素晴らしいです。」
greatを使う場合はI’m feeling great が正解です。I’m greatでは、不自然です。

“I feel like a million dollars.” 「最高だよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

for beginners video series and today's

idiom is like a million dollars.

A million dollars. It's a lot of money.

What does it mean? We will find out.

But first let's do our test. So last time

do you remember we're having a meeting
and I'm late

and I say sorry I'm late. And you say,...

That's right.

No worries. No problem is OK but no
worries is another natural phrase.

Okay let's go on to today's idiom.

Like a million dollars, not two million.
Not three million.

1 million. Okay so let's imagine

Taro is my colleague and I say Taro how
are you doing.

Doing fine? And he says I'm great.


This is okay. I'm great or feeling great,

but we usually don't say I'm

great because it has a double meaning.

It sounds like I am a great person.

I'm strong. I'm smart. I'm great.

Yeah so I'm fine is OK

but what's a natural way to say

I'm feeling great. I'm feeling healthy. I'm feeling happy.

We can say this. So I say

Taro how are you doing and he says

I feel like a million dollars.

I feel like a million dollars.

So he feels happy. He feels healthy.

He feels great. Okay simple.

So let's look at pronunciation. I feel like a

I feel like a. I feel like a million dollars.

I feel like a million dollars. You try.
Good okay with my question.

How are you doing? Oh okay great.

Perfect. Okay for homework.

Next time I will ask you. I'll say how are
you doing?

And you just say not I'm great.

That's right. I feel like a million dollars.

Please remember this and we will see you
next time.

Thank you.


