Tip 100 “I have a gut feeling that…” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第100弾は、”I have a gut feeling that…” です。


“So who do you think is going to win tonight?”「今日はどっちが勝つと思う?」と聞かれたあなたが、

“I think Japan will win.”
“I think” と言ってしまうと、きっと相手から「なぜそう思うのか」と、あなたの考えの根拠を聞かれることでしょう。


“I have a gut feeling that…” を使って、

“I have a gut feeling that Japan will win.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is I have a gut feeling that...
The gut, it's like your stomach you know.

I have a gut feeling that...
What does this mean? Well, we will find out.

But first, let's do our usual test.
OK. We learned have on your plate.

What do you have on your plate today?

Tell me your schedule.

You have meetings. You have to visit a client.
You have to make a presentation.

OK. I hope you came up with some good answers.

Let's go on to today's phrase.
I have a gut feeling.

The gut is the stomach, so there's a feeling here.
What does this mean?

OK, well let's find out.
Here's what I often hear.

So let's imagine there's gonna be a big soccer game
or a baseball game and Japan is playing another country.

OK. And I say to Taro, so who do you think is going to win tonight?
Who's gonna win the soccer game tonight?

And Taro says, I think Japan will win.

OK. Which is fine. I think Japan will win.
But when you say that,

the other person will expect a little bit more.
OK, well why do you think Japan will win?

Their defense is good or they have a great goal,
goal keeper or they you know.

We need more information.
If it's just I think Japan will win. OK.

So, to make it sound a little bit more natural.
And so you don't have to

explain why in detail, you could say this.

So who do you think is going to win tonight?
Who's gonna win the soccer game?

And you just say,
I have a gut feeling that Japan will win.

OK, now in this case, it's intuition.
OK. It's just a gut feeling.

There's no logic. I have no reason.
It's just here in my stomach,

it's telling me, yeah Japan is going to win.
That's all. So you don't need to explain.

Japan has good defense, they have a good goal keeper,
they have this.

No, you don't need that.
I have a gut feeling.

Great phrase. OK.
So let's look at pronunciation.

I havea gut feeling.
I havea gut feeling that Japan will win.

You try.

OK. Let's try it with my question.
So who do you think is going to win tonight?

Yeah yeah, actually me too.
I've got the same gut feeling.

Just like that. OK, so for homework.

Tell me, what do you have a gut feeling about?
It could be anything. Remember, this is intuition.

You don't need facts or logic or reasoning to back it up.
It's just a gut feeling.

I have a gut feeling it's gonna rain.
I have a gut feeling, something bad is gonna happen.

I have a gut feeling, something good is gonna happen.
What do you have a gut feeling about?

OK, you tell me in the next lesson.
OK, thank you.


