Tip 119 ”calculated risk” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第119弾は、”calculated risk” です。



“Don’t you think this idea is a big risk?”「これって大きなリスクだと思わない?」

“Yes, but we did a lot of analysis so don’t worry.”「うん。でも多くの分析をしました。大丈夫だよ。」

“Yes. but it’s a caluculated risk. so don’t worry.”「うん。でも予測されたリスクだから大丈夫だよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates video lesson
for business people. And today's word is a

calculated risk. OK, we all know risk. But
what is a calculated risk? OK, well let's

find out. But first let's do our usual test.
So last time we learned pick one's brain.

Tell me whose brain do you pick for ideas?
Whose that one person in your company that

always has good ideas that you always ask?
Your boss? Your colleague? Your old friend?

OK, I hope you have someone. OK. And today's
word is calculated risk. What does this mean?

OK well let's imagine that Taro and I are
colleagues and the company has decided to

do something. So the company has decided to
say let's say open a new office. A new office

in Singapore. OK. And I say to Taro, Taro
don't you think this idea or this plan is

a big risk? We're opening an office in Singapore.
It's a big risk. And Taro says, Oh yes, but

we did a lot of analysis so don't worry. OK
OK. I'm not worried. OK. So we did a lot of

analysis. We checked out the good points of
this decision. We checked out the bad points

of this decision. We did a cost analysis and
we decided to open an office in Singapore.

We did a lot of analysis. Yeah, I can understand
the meaning. But there's a more technical

word we use to say this. And that's a calculated
risk. OK, it's a very common business word.

So let's learn how to use this. So I say to
Taro, don't you think this is a big risk,

opening an office in Singapore? And he says,
yes, but it's a calculated risk so don't worry.

I see. So the company did a lot of analysis.
They weighed the pros and cons. And they made

this decision. Perfect. A calculated risk.
OK so let's look at pronunciation. Yes, with

a pause. Yes, but it's a. Yes, but it's a
calculated risk so don't worry. Yes, but it's

a calculated risk so don't worry. You try.
Good OK. With my sentence. Yes, sorry. Don't

you think this idea is a big risk? Good. OK
so for homework, tell me a calculated risk

your company had to take? OK so maybe there's
a big decision your company made. It's a little

bit risky but they did the proper analysis.
So tell me a calculated risk that your company

had to take? OK, next time. See you in the
next lesson. Thank you.


