Tip 124 ”on the ball” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第124弾は、”on the ball” です。


“The new manager doesn’t know anything.”「新しいマネジャー何にも分かってないじゃん。」と言いました。

“No, he understands everything very well.”「そんなことないよ。彼は何でもよくわかってるよ。」

“No, he’s on the ball.”「そんなことないよ。彼は有能な方ですよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series

for business people. And today's idiom is

on that ball. On the ball. What does this

We will find out, but first let's do our

test. OK so last time we learned

let sleeping dogs lie.

So have you ever let sleeping dogs lie

at work? You know a situation where
there's a problem. It's not your problem but

there is a problem and you just ignore

You forget about it because you don't
want to cause trouble.

Yeah, OK I hope you came up with a good

Let's go on to today's idiom, on the ball.

OK now here's what I often hear.

OK let's imagine Taro and I are colleagues and

we have a new manager who joined

from another company. From another
industry. OK.

And I say Taro, our new manager. We have a new manager.

He doesn't know anything. He doesn't know our market.

He doesn't know our business. He doesn't
know our industry.

He does't know our services and products and Taro says,

No, no. he understands

everything very well. Which is a perfect

but it's missing

that impact. OK Taro wants No Hika. You're wrong.

this new manager. He's smart. He understands the situation.

He has studied and he really knows our

He knows our industry industry.

He wants to say this, but he understands
everything very well,

is kind of a weak sentence. OK. So

He can say this. So Taro you know
the new manager

doesn't know anything. And Taro says

no he's on the ball.

He's on the ball and I say

really? Oh I didn't know. OK so it means

ah... he understands this situation

really well. OK. He's done his homework. He's studied.

He's learned many things. He knows OK.
So let's practice pronunciation. So it's


he's on. He's on the ball. No

he's on the ball. You try. With my

OK the new manager doesn't know

Really? He on the ball.

Like this. OK please

practice this. And for homework, tell me

who is on the ball at your office.

who understands the situation

really really well. Tell me someone like that.

OK, we'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


