Tip 125 ”show someone the ropes”無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第125弾は、”show someone the ropes” です。


“OK, that’s all for our training.” OK。これでトレーニングは終了です。」とヒカが言いました。

“Thank you for teaching me how to do this work.”「この仕事、教えてくれてありがとうございます。」

“Thank you for showing me the ropes.”「やり方を教えてくれてありがとうございます。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases

video series for business people. And

idiom is show someone

the ropes. Ropes.

What does this mean? We will find out but
first let's do

our test. So tell me someone

who is on the ball

at your office. Who's sharp. Who knows.

Who understands the situation well.

So he's on the ball. You ask them a question and they have a good answer

because they know. Tell me someone like
that. OK. I hope you picked someone good.

OK maybe your boss, your colleague ,the

All right now let's go on to today's idiom.

Show someone the ropes. What does this

OK, well here's what I often hear. Let's

I'm a trainer. OK and I'm training

Taro to do some kind of task.

OK maybe it's too write a report. To
use a machine.

Something OK, I'm teaching him something basic. And I say

OK so that's all for our training. You
are ready.

We're finished. And Taro says thank
you for teaching me how to do this work.

Hey no problem. It's a perfect sentence.

You know thank you for teaching me how
to do this work. It's okay.

But if you want to make it sound a
little bit natural with a cool

idiom, you could say show someone

the ropes like this. OK so I say

OK Tarol that all for our training.

You're ready. And he says ah thank you
for showing me the ropes.

Oh wow. Taro your English has

OK it's a really natural phrase or idiom.

Thank you for showing me the ropes.
Teaching me

some kind of task or like the basics.
Something basic.

OK teaching the basics. OK.

So let's look at pronunciation.

It's not showing good me, but it's thank
you for showing me.

Thank you for showing me the ropes. You

Excellent. OK with my sentence. OK.

Good job. No problem.

OK so for homework, tell me

who showed you the ropes

when you joined your company. OK when you were

a first-year first-year employee.

You didn't know anything. Who trained you and showed you all the basic things?

Who showed you the ropes? OK think of

And we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


