Tip 126 ”on the same page” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第126弾は、”on the same page” です。


“Some of us are confused with the work plan.”「業務計画に混乱しているメンバーがいるんですけど。」とヒカが言いました。

“Let’s have a meeting to make sure everyone has the same thinking.”「皆、同じ考えをもつようにミーティングしよう。」

“Let’s have a meeting to make sure we’re all on the same page.”「皆の理解が一致するようにミーティングしよう。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series for business people.

And today's idiom is on the same page.

Not different pages, but the same page.

What does this mean? Well, we will find out but first let's do our test.

So who showed you the ropes when you joined your company?

When you joined your company, you didn't know anything.

Who showed you all the basic things

about your company?

OK, do you have a good answer?

OK let's go on to today's idiom, on the same page.

OK what does this mean?

Well, here's what I sometimes hear.

So let's imagine Taro and I are working on a project.

Taro's the project manager. I'm a project member.

And there're other project members.

And I say, Taro, Taro. We have a problem.

Some of us are confused with the work plan.

We don't know what to do. John thinks this. I think this. We're all confused.

And he says, OK OK OK let's have a meeting to make sure everyone has the same thinking.

The same thinking. OK OK OK. I see I see. So you want to confirm whether my thinking

and his thinking and her thinking and your thinking are all the same.

It's a little bit unnatural. Yeah, to say have the same thinking.

We don't say that. It's actually strange. So what can we say?

Well, if I say some of us are confused with the work plan. We don't understand.

He says, OK OK. Let's have a meeting to make sure we're all on the same page.

OK, good idea, Taro. Let's have a meeting. And we can discuss so everyone's way of thinking

and their understanding of the work plan are the same.

Yes, OK that's what it means. To have the same way of thinking and same understanding of something.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.

So it's let's have a let's have a meeting gu, not gu. Let's have a meeting to make sure we're all on

we're all on the same page.

Let's have a meeting to make sure we're all on the same page.

You try.

OK and with my sentence.

You know some of us are confused with the work plan.

Good idea. Let's do that.

OK so for homework, tell me are you and your boss always on the same page?

Yeah? You have the same understanding, the same way of thinking about something.

Or do you sometimes have different ideas and there's some misunderstanding.

OK tell me next time. We'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


