Tip 127 ”on a roll” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第127弾は、”on a roll” です。


“Wow, Ken got promoted, was named MVP, and now has a new girlfriend.”「ケンは昇格して、MVPもとって、新しいガールフレンドもできたんだって。」とヒカが言いました。

“Yes, he has a good luck these days.”「そう。彼は最近幸運を持っています。」

“Yeah, he’s on a roll.”「そうだね、彼は最近調子がいいよね。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases

video series. And today's idiom

is on a roll.

What does this mean? Well we will find
out. But first

let's do our test. Do you remember last

I asked you, are you and your boss

always on the same

page? Do you think alike?

Do you have the same way of thinking? Yes? No?

Okay hope you remember. All right so let's
go on to today's

idiom, on a roll. What does this mean?

Well this is what I usually hear okay.

So let's imagine Taro is my colleague

and there's another colleague, Ken. Okay, Ken.

and I say Taro, wow

Ken got promoted, was named

MVP of the company and now has a new

And Taro says yes

he has a good luck these days. He has a

Good luck. OK, I see, I see. So he's very

He got promoted, MVP, new girlfriend.

Okay I understand. But this sentence
is a little strange.

One, it's grammatically incorrect.

Because luck is an uncountable noun. So
we don't say

a good luck. So he has good luck.

or he's had good luck. He has been

having good luck these days. Maybe that's

But you know it's

this luck is continuous. It's ongoing

right? One good thing. Another good thing.

A third good thing. We have a special way
to explain this.

And it should be like this. So if I say

Taro, wow Ken got promoted, was named MVP,

and now has a new girlfriend.

And Taro says, yeah, he's on a roll.

Very natural. You can kind of imagine

a rock that's rolling or snow

snowball that's rolling down a hill.
It's getting bigger and bigger and

faster and faster.

He's on a roll. OK? Everything is
going smoothly.

All these good things are happening. On
our role.

Okay, short medium. Really useful.

Let's practice pronunciation. So it's

with the pause. He's on a.He's on a

Yeah, he's on a roll. You try.

Good with my sentence. Wow Ken

got promoted, was named MVP and now has a new girlfriend.

Perfect. Just like that.

Okay, so for homework, okay I want you to
tell me

Who is on a role now? It could be you.

Are you on a roll? It could be your colleague. It could be someone in your company.

It could be someone famous. Many good
things are happening

or this person. Okay think about it and
tell me

next time. Thank you.


