Tip 132 ”in the same boat” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第132弾は、”in the same boat” です。


“I have a really tight dead line.”「締切が迫ってるんだよ。」と言いました。

“I’m same.”「私、同じ。」

“I’m in the same boat.”「私も同じ状況だよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases

video series for business people. And

idiom is in the same

boat. Not car. Not plane.

Boat. What does this mean? We will find

But first let's do our test. Okay so

I'm saying wow it's already 1 a.m. We're
having a Skype meeting.

It's really late and you say, I will sleep

You know you're sleepy. You're tired. It's a little bit too direct.

So what should you say? That's right.

I'm going to hit the sack. Yeah so to
make it a little bit less

direct, it's good to use an idiom

like this. Yeah I'm gonna hit the sack. It
makes it a lot softer.

Okay so let's go onto today's idiom, in the

boat. OK, now this is what I usually

hear. So imagine Taro and I are colleagues.

I'm under a lot of pressure okay. And I say
Taro I have a really tight deadline.

I've got to meet it by tomorrow. A really
tight deadline.

And Taro says yeah, yeah, yeah

I am same. You are same.

OK, you are in the same

situation. I see so you have

a tight deadline too.

So you know he can me too

or same with me. There are many
ways to express this.

I but I sometimes hear I am same.

You know it's a little bit strange, OK. It's
just bad English.

Now a good way to say this.

To say I am in the same situation as you,

so I understand how you feel, we can say

So if I say yeah I have a really tight

Taro says yeah I'm in the same boat.

Oh very natural, in the the same

boat. OK so, you know, in a boat

If you're in a boat together. We're

were in the middle of the ocean you know
the situation is the same.

So this idiom means we're in the same

I understand how you feel. OK.

So let's look at pronunciation. So it's

I'm in the, but its I'm in the. I'm in the.

I'm in the same boat. You try.

Good okay with my sentence. I have a really tight deadline.

Excellent Okay. So

for homework, Okay. I'm gonna say I have a really tight deadline

next time. And you say not I am same but

yeah I'm in the same boat. So please
remember this. And we will see you

next time. Thank you.


