Tip 133 ”know something inside out” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第133弾は、”know something inside out” です。


“Who can help me with the new system?”「誰か、新システムのサポートしてくれないかな?」と言いました。

“You can ask Taka in IT. He knows it very well.”「タカに聞いたら。彼はよく知ってるよ。」

“You can ask Taka in IT. He knows it inside out.”「タカに聞いたら。その分野を熟知してるよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

words and phrases video series.

And today's idiom is know something

inside out. Inside out.

What does this mean? We will find out, but
first let's do

our test. So do you remember last time?

Okay I say I have a really tight

deadline. I'm so stressed. And you say,

not I am same, but yes that's right.
I'm in the same boat.

I understand how you feel. I'm in the same

I'm in the same boat. I hope you got that.

Okay let's go on to today's idiom, know

inside out. Okay but here's what I

sometimes hear. Okay so let's imagine Taro is my colleague.

And I say Taro who can help me

with the new system? New computer system?

I don't understand it. And he says

Umm, you can ask Taka in IT. He knows it
very well.

Okay I'll ask Taka. Thanks.

No problem. He knows it

very well, but you know, Taro wants to say

Taka knows everything about this system.

He's an expert. Okay so he knows it very

is a little bit weak. Okay it doesn't

It doesn't mean Taka is an expert and he
knows everything

about this system. To say that, he can

this. So Taro

who who can help me with the new system? I don't understand it.

And Taro says you can ask Taka in IT.

He knows it inside out. Very natural.

He knows it inside out. He knows
everything about this system.

Any question you have, you can ask Taka.
He knows it inside out.

Okay let's look at pronunciation. So it's

you can ask you can ask

Taka,Taka in IT.

He knows it inside out. Inside out.

Okay let's try this. You can ask Taka in IT.

He knows it inside out. You try.

Good okay with my question. Who can I ask? Who can who can help me?

Who can help with the new system? Good.

That's right. You can ask Taka in IT. He
knows it inside out.

Okay for homework, next time I'm gonna
say so who can help with the new system?

I really don't understand this new system. And you say,

not he knows it very well. But

he knows it inside out. Please remember

And we will see you next time. Thank you.


