Tip 153 ”Just my two cents.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第153弾は、”Just my two cents.” です。


“Thi is a big problem.”「これは大問題だよ。」と言いました。

“Just my thinking. We should…”「ちょっとした私の思いです。~した方が。。。」

“Just my two cents. We should…”「ちょっとした僕の考えだけどさ、~した方が。。。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series.

And today's idiom and phrase

is just my two cents.

It's not a lot of money, just two cents.

Okay so go to our test.

so I we are colleagues and I ask and
I'm going to ask you,

have you already started the global

The global project? It's already started? Yes? Yes?

And you say, not yes I have started it.

It's a boring sentence, but yeah

yes it's in full swing. Very natural.

It's in full sing. It started and
it's moving.

Okay I hope you remember that. Let's go on to today's phrase and idiom.

Just my two cents. Okay.

So let's imagine that a

Taro and I are colleagues and I have a

Okay I say Taro, this is a big
problem. What

are we going to do? And Taro wants to
express his

opinion. So he says ahh,

just my thinking. We should

dadadada. Just my


So you know it's like in my opinion

or this is what I think, but it's a
little bit strange to say just my

thinking. OK a lot of Japanese people say that, my

thinking. Yeah okay so let's look at a

natural phrase like this.

So I say Taro this is a big problem.

We need to do something and Taro says

just my 2 cents. We should

Woah... very natural.

Just my 2 cents. Now we use

this idiom before usually before we

our opinion. Okay it's like telling the
other person

I will tell you my opinion. It's not a

great opinion. Just a small opinion but
please listen.

It has that nuance that meaning. Just my two cents.

Okay so let's look at pronunciation.

It's not just my but it's jus jus my two

Just my two cents. We should. You try.

Good okay with my sentence.

This is a big problem.

Yeah, good. Very natural. Okay for

next time I will say this is a big

And you say, that's right.

Just my 2 cents. We should... Please
remember this.

And we will see you next time. Thank you.


